Page 100 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 8
P. 100


          curred in the American Great Plains   demonstrate the folly of man lean-  tional plowing, after 1 hour of rain-
          in the 1930s, after some devastating   ing  on  his  own  understanding  as   fall, 90% of the applied rainfall was
          effects of plowing caused what is re-  compared  humbling  ourselves  and   lost in runoff, along with 28.5 tons of
          ferred to as the Dust Bowl. These   following God’s ways.             soil was lost in erosion per hectare.
          farmers had decided to practice very                                  Whereas the no plowing trial, with
          intensive  harrowing  of  the top lay-  A) General Benefits           80% mulch surface cover lost only
          ers of their soils to create a powder-  1) Minimal Runoff and         6%  of  the  rainfall  in  runoff  and  a
          type mulch for the protection of the   2) Minimal Erosion             mere 1-ton of soil was lost per hect-
          moisture in the dry season; however,   Experiment 1: 2 runoff trays   are.
          they had no idea of the enormity of   Diagram 1
          the wind erosion that was to come.                                                     These  are  in-
          The soil was blown up and dumped                                                       credible  facts!
          all over the USA, with some towns                                                      On their own,
          having  houses,  roads  and  vehicles                                                  they    should
          buried in the soil.                                                                    be  enough  evi-
          These  dramatic examples  of wind                                                      dence  to con-
          erosion  are  highly visible, but we                                                   vince farmers to
          should realize that our malpractice                                                    turn to the way
          of  plowing  also  causes  water  ero-                                                 God has shown
          sion,  which is far  less  visible, but                                                us.
          far more  devastating,  with  our  soil                                                3) Improved In-
          ending up in rivers, catchments and                                                    filtration
          oceans.  Southern  Afrikan  agricul-                                                   Experiment  2:
          tural lands lose between 55-250 tons                                                   Bread  crust  in-
          or 1000 bags of soil per hectare per                                                   filtration
          year through sheet erosion. Because                                                    So why do  we
          of  the folly of  plowing,  agriculture                                                lose  so much
          worldwide is moving away from the   Let’s look at an experiment to show   water through runoff when we plow?
          plow with  over 100  million hect-  the effects of God’s Blanket on run-  Raindrops  fall at very high speed,
          ares  currently  being commercially   off  rates  and  erosion.  Each small   like little hammers, hitting the sur-
          farmed  with no  plowing  or no-till-  container  has  the  same  amount  of   face of the bare ground. Their im-
          age, worldwide.                    soil, with the difference  being that   pact causes  a  layer  of  compaction
                                             the conventional farming trial has no   called a crust, just like that on a loaf
          Unfortunately,  no-tillage  accounts   cover and the Farming God’s Way   of bread.
          for  less  than  1 million  hectares  in   trial has God’s Blanket. By pouring   Let us look at an example of this ef-
          Afrika – so far!                   just 2 liters of water over each small   fect with a loaf of bread.
                                             container the results are dramatic.  Pouring just 250 ml of water on the
          Technologically,  Farming  God’s   You can clearly see how the runoff   crusted loaf, we collect 200 ml water.
          Way is not only about no plowing,   on  a conventionally  plowed field   That  is because  the crust  seals the
          but we are  also after  100%  mulch   is very high and as  the water gath-  bread and stops the water from pen-
          covers, which we call God’s Blanket.   ers  momentum  down  the slope  it   etrating deeper.
          God’s Blanket has  the potential to   erodes  the soil  surface  firstly and   This is exactly what happens when
          reveal  God’s promised  abundance   then forms rills and ultimately even   we plow, the first drops of rain cre-
          in  our  fields,  but most  farmers,   causes gullies to develop.     ate a crust and this allows only 10%
          without  this knowledge,  reject this   In the Farming God's Way trial even   of the rainfall to go into the soil and
          amazing gift by burning or burying   though  we used the same  “plowed   is very wasteful.
          it. To those that appreciate it, God’s   soil” we covered it with God’s Blan-
          Blanket becomes a real blessing and   ket, the runoff is very low and as a   Diagram 2
          provides the ideal environment for   result, the soil erosion is also mini-  When  we pour 250  ml of water
          the healing of the land to take place.   mal.                         on the uncrusted surface…. we col-
          We will be comparing and contrast-  Rainfall trials  done  at Cedara  in   lect just 50 ml water i.e. 4 times as
          ing conventional farming to Farming   South Africa, applying 68mm on a   much water penetrates the uncrust-
          God's  Way  stands  throughout, to   4% slope, showed that with conven-  ed bread. God’s Blanket  protects

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