Page 98 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 8
P. 98
captures my thoughts on the use of Kindness without integrity and those foreign or local organizations
kindness as camouflage for exploita- honor is nothing but witchcraft. It is that are truly doing genuine acts of
tion and oppression in Afrika: manipulative and very controlling. kindness in Afrika. Many thanks
Witchcraft is simply the ability to from us to them.
"One thing that keeps me puzzled, manipulate realities either through
despite having studied finance and skilled tricks or spiritual or emotion- Every act of kindness must stem
economics at the world’s best uni- al mesmerism. And truth be told, from love, and ‘love’ that gives in
versities, the following question re- while the world won't stop talking order to take more is not love at all,
mains unanswered. Why is it that nonsense about Afrika as the Dark but covert business.
5,000 units of our currency is worth Continent with diabolical tenden-
one unit of your currency where we cies, the white man won’t stop push- What about Afrikans?
are the ones with the actual gold ing his witchcraft and manipulative Enough talk about the false kind-
reserves? It’s quite evident that the acts of "kindness" that leave Afrika nesses that are brought to Afrika,
aid is in fact not coming from the used and short-changed. let’s talk about the kindness we give
West to Africa but from Africa to ourselves as Afrikans.
the Western world. The Western I was responding to a friend's post Acts of kindness don't have to be
world depends on Africa in every on Facebook and the conversation something very huge or expensive.
possible way, since alternative re- went towards how the many foreign In fact, kindness is first a heart that
sources are scarce out here. So how NGOs in Afrika are nothing but sees, feels and understands others
does the West ensure that the free fronts for money laundering, finan- even as it sees, feels and understands
aid keeps coming? By systematically cial corruption, exploitation, sexual itself before an external act is done.
destabilizing the wealthiest African molestation and the many evils that How do we as Afrikans see our-
nations and their systems, and all are perpetrated here in Afrika, in- selves? With what hearts, feelings,
that backed by huge PR campaigns cluding human trafficking as one or eyes do we deal with ourselves?
- leaving the entire world under the of the effects of such charity fronts.
impression that Africa is poor and We spoke about the largest slum in In the last issue of this magazine, we
dying and merely surviving on the Kenya called Kibra and how that featured an organization called Sim-
mercy of the West. with almost a thousand foreign and ply Do Good based here in Nairobi
local NGOs in that locality, nothing Kenya. And their simple creed is: do
Well done Oxfam, UNICEF, Red useful has been done or achieved to good, no matter how small it looks.
Cross, Live Aid, and all the other resolve the high level of poverty and So for me, the heart of doing good
organizations that continuously run congestion there. And this is just a is very simple. Just simply do good.
multi-million-dollar advertisement drop in the ocean of the true state of
campaigns depicting charity porn to things in Afrika. And come to think of it, Covid-19
sustain that image of Africa globally. and the many closed businesses it
Ad campaigns paid for by innocent The power of true kindness brought with itself is enough reason
people under the impression to help Kevin Heath says "Wherever there to now be mindful of others who
with their donations. While one is a human in need, there is an op- may be in need. A simple phone call
hand gives under the flashing lights portunity for kindness and to make to check how someone is doing is an
of cameras, the other takes in the a difference." act of kindness that will be appreci-
shadows. We all know the dollar is Obviously from this quote and from ated. Getting a few extra groceries
worthless, while the Euro is merely the various other quotes that speak for someone who may need them
charged with German intellect and of kindness as acts that make for in your apartment building may go
technology and maybe some Italian change, there is no notable change a long way to help someone get by
pasta. How can one expect dona- in Afrika even with the millions of during this lockdown. And because
tions from nations that have so little? NGOs, hundreds of billions in for- kindness is the fruit of the Spirit of
How super-sweet of you to come eign aid, grants that are sent here. God Himself, he or she who has it
with your colored paper in exchange It simply shows what kind of “kind- certainly has God in himself or her-
for our gold and diamonds. But in- ness" we have been receiving and it’s self.
stead you should come empty-hand- time to really re-look those acts of
ed, filled with integrity and honor." kindness to establish if they are re- Be kind and simply do good.
ally kindness or witchcraft. And I am
Saying it like it is not trying to be un-appreciative of
98 | Heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika