Page 101 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 8
P. 101


                                                    soil  temperatures  over  65   rains  before  plowing.  After  their
                                                    degrees and you can imag-   first plowing, they then have to wait
                                                    ine how much evaporation    again, as the soil dries out so rapidly
                                                    takes place under these ex-  because of the poor infiltration and
                                                    tremes of heat!             evaporative  losses.  After receiving
                                                    Leave the two runoff trays   enough rain for planting, they then
                                                    used in experiment 1 in the   have wait again for at least 2-4 days
                                                    sun  for  5 hours  and then   before they can get their workers or
                                                    compare  the evaporative    tractors into the fields as otherwise
                                                    loss.                       it just becomes a quagmire. This is
                                                    The soil in the convention-  an expensive and wasteful exercise.
                                                    al tray dries out quickly and   When  we  turn  to Farming  God's
          the soil from the hammer action of        becomes  hard  like a clay   Way, we  are  able to prepare our
          the  raindrop  by absorbing  the  im-  brick and cracks.              fields  for  planting  by digging  our
          pact  like  a  shock  absorber.  When   The soil in the Farming God's Way   holes  well before  the first rains  so
          the raindrop’s kinetic energy is dis-  tray,  with 100  percent  continuous   we will not waste any of God’s pre-
          persed,  the  water  gradually  moves   surface  cover  of God’s Blanket,   cious  gift. After  the rains,  we  are
          down  to the soil surface,  through   which shades  the soil surface,  is   able to get into the fields almost im-
          the blanket and because there is no   moist and cool. The blanket signifi-  mediately, with no negative effects,
          crust,  it is  rapidly  absorbed.  Once   cantly reduces evaporation from the   because the soil is undisturbed and
          the  water  reaches  the  unplowed   soil and is a major benefit to Farm-  holds its structure.  Therefore,  we
          soil, it rapidly infiltrates  down  the   ing God's Way success stories, even   save our first rain and are able to get
          many  insect,  earthworm  and  root   under drought conditions.       in to plant much sooner.
          channels, just like a sponge. In this                                 In the next article we shall continue
          way, we receive the gift of God and   5) Cooler Soil Temperature Better   with the “Twenty Reasons Why We
          very little moisture is wasted. So the   for Seedlings                Do The How” Meanwhile be sure
          reasons why the Cedara experiment   Cooler  soil temperatures  can  be   to be on time for the coming rainy
          showed a 94% infiltration rate is be-  a negative initially,  as  this causes   season from the middle of Septem-
          cause  of  the absorption  of  kinetic   slower germination and early growth   ber.  Finish  the harvesting  on time
          energy  of  the raindrops  by God’s   when  compared  to plowed  lands,   and start preparing the farm to plant
          Blanket  and the sponge-like  soil   but remember  that the cropping   before the first rain.
          conditioning by the living organisms   cycle is 5 months long not 2 weeks,
          and from not plowing.              so  be committed to the long term   Stay joyful!
          4) Evaporative Loss                Once  the seedlings  are  established
          Experiment 3: Evaporation          and have pushed through the blan-
          The  10% of  the moisture  that in-  ket they flourish and overtake neigh-  Source  material:  Farming  God’s
          filtrates plowed soil is open to very   boring fields within the first 3 weeks   Way Trainer’s  Reference  Guide.
          high surface  temperatures  because   after  emergence  as  they  have  ideal   Dryden, G.W., 2009.
          of the heat of the sun, causing signifi-  temperatures for root establishment.
          cant moisture losses through evapo-  6) Don’t Waste the First Rain
          ration.  We  have  measured  surface   Most  farmers  wait until the first

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