Page 11 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 8
P. 11
What if in exiting the popular scene, you actually stood to gain more
from self-discovery and determination than being one of those who
drive the ox-cart called modern civilization?
By: Chioma Phillips
went online the other day, hailed as rising stars, champions that is the standard that you are
onto a social media plat- of industry, and at the top of taught to aim for and to do it
form that connects profes- their game become former such with everything that you’ve got. It
I sionals with one another, and such at such and such, cling- is the standard that informs the
you know the one, and there I ing with all might and power to pair of high heels, the fragrance,
saw a familiar face. Someone I the fading claims to fame that be- the hairstyle and the outfit that
had contact with when I was em- ing a such and such once offered you select in order to attend that
ployed. Someone who worked them. Somehow, by association, ‘all-important’ cocktail party,
in an organization that has some perhaps a glimmer of the former networking event or interview
measure of clout with its stake- ‘glory’ of yesteryear might just that could radically transform
holders across Afrika and inter- grant them another moment in you into a current such and
nationally. Someone who left the sun. I know this quest. I have such at such and such. This titan
that organization some years ago been on it. Peppering my CV had scaled the heights of every
and has since blended in with with certain statements of great possible realm in the public and
the rest of the citizenry of his achievements, with the hope that private sector. This titan’s star
country. His job description now being a former such and such never appeared to dim, they
says, former such and such at will grant me some kind of favor were the darling of the gov-
such and such. Former. When in the eyes of the ones who have ernment, corporate and social
he was current, his title moved the power and authority to grant glitterati until, one day, that star
mountains. Now, he blends in access to their exclusive club dimmed and the titan became a
with the rest of those dependent either by way of contract or by former such and such who liter-
on the goodwill of those in their way of employment. Hoping to ally vanished from the limelight
networks, or the seeds they have ‘elevate’ my ‘status’ once more and entered the netherworlds of
sown along the way in order to the levels of ‘acceptability’ that ‘once upon a time’. This, at the
to get recognition, acceptance, society demands. It’s humbling hands of a society that is ob-
access or the aforementioned and sometimes even terrifying to sessed with success attained by
mountains to move. contemplate your ‘once upon a a standard everyone adheres to,
time’. one way or another. Never once
How I wish that we would all live I remember one titan, who I questioning its fallibility. Soon,
aware of the upcoming ‘formers’ admired with everything an up invites that one once overflowed
in our lives. Maybe we would do and coming career person can from their desk, invites that
things differently. admire someone who they have were picked through selectively
been told bears every hallmark in order to decide which events
I have seen, over the years, many of admirability that can exist in to attend to maintain their lofty
people in Afrika who were once the corporate realm. After all, status gradually dwindled to