Page 13 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 8
P. 13


          those who want to remain a part                                       a supermarket clutching a tiny
          of it, for whatever reason, they                                      shopping basket, thousands of
          need to do the dance. What                                            kilometers away from his family
          dance? Be relevant. Fit in. Play                                      and home. He was living in a
          the part. (i.e. clothes, shoes, fra-                                  forced exile of sorts because his
          grance, cocktail parties, educa-                                      place of work was in one country
          tion, language, corporate policy                                      and by virtue of whatever neces-
          compliance etc).                                                      sity, his family was in another.
          But, if Capitalism is inherently                                      The job paid him well. Allowed
          evil, which it is, and driven by                                      him to do more for his family. I
          greed, which it has to be in order                                    can’t say his working conditions
          to survive, then the entire uni-                                      were dignified though. The
          verse surrounding it to support it                                    money was great, the boss, not
          has an issue. Ergo, the paradigm                                      so much. He and his colleagues
          has major foundational flaws.                                         were miserable but cash-rich.
          In previous issues of this mag-                                       Their boss was miserable too.
          azine as well as in the book, A                                       For money.
          People Called Afrika, Samuel       to reduce them to nothing. They    Once upon a time, Afrika had
          and I have explained how the       do not question it. Despite there   more than jobs, debt, stress
          greed and selfishness that are the   being ample evidence to justify it   and frustrations. Her people
          building blocks behind Capi-       being judged and brought down.     had more than cars, houses,
          talism render it a system that is   So many have fallen colleagues    clothes, positions and networks.
          only suitable for the trash heap.   who were ingested and used by     Once upon a time, we valued
          It is a Ponzi scheme, bolstered    the system before being spat       life more than money and a
          and sustained by men and wom-      out through a ‘redundancy’ or a    decision to end the pollution of
          en with an unhealthy agenda and    manufactured exit that was ob-     rivers and other water bodies
          it is going down! It propagates    viously unjust and so many held    would not even have been one
          hypocrisy and callousness in       their breath and ducked their      we were considering… because
          people and forces their minds to   heads down so that they don’t      the rivers and water bodies were
          remain fixed on elements such      get picked to go next. What        fine. Once upon a time, we had
          as competition, underhanded        kind of living is that? And you    simplicity and purity of life and
          tactics and all to acquire money   wonder why people are stressed.    purpose that was not obscured
          and the praises of men (sta-       Both the current and the former    by a Western perspective of life
          tus). It leaves in its wake highly   such and such, laboring under    and living. The job, the mar-
          stressed out, performance-based,   burdens of pretense, pride, fear   riage, the children, the car, the
          people pleasers whose sole         and frustration. For what?         house, the dog.
          purpose is to sustain the system   I once had the distinct sorrow of
          so that they can remain in it long   watching a man in his fifties in   Once upon a time…
          enough to pay their children’s
          school fees and clear their mort-
          gages or other debts.
          There’s a reason why ‘Once
          upon a time’ is such a frightening
          concept for so many people. Be-
          cause they believe in the system
          and its right to exist and there-
          fore they give it permission to
          define them, to elevate them and

          WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                            ISSUE 8 | SEPT/OCT 2020  13
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