Page 12 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 8
P. 12



          In a society that is built on status   Once upon a time, Afrika had more than jobs, debt,
          and achievement, you fall from      stress and frustrations. Her people had more than
          grace when you appear to have
          no value attached to your name      cars, houses, clothes, positions and networks. Once
          and are consumed by the obscu-      upon a time, we valued life more than money and a
          rity where this fickle society casts
          you to and unless you – what        decision to end the pollution of rivers and other water
          is the popular term now? Pivot      bodies would not even have been one we were consid-
          and reinvent yourself? It’s game    ering… because the rivers and water bodies were fine.
          over. You will be called upon
          only to attend or officiate events
          that are being held to reminisce   to change the true heart’s posi-   everything from government
          about bygone days. Once upon       tion of the one counseled, but     policy, to education policy and
          a time…                            instead equipped them to be        content, to legislation, to taxa-
                                             able to master the rules, put on   tion, to fashion, cosmetics, you
          But what if I told you that being   the correct mask, play the game   name it, is designed around it. It
          ‘left out’ is not actually the prob-  and get away with it until the   is the equivalent of choosing an
          lem and that wanting to fit in is?   next time they get fed-up with   operating system for a phone or
          What if in exiting the popular     company politics and their true    a standard for digital television
          scene, you actually stood to gain   opinion shines through again. It   and then building everything
          more from self-discovery and       was in that moment I thanked       in the market to support that
          determination than being one       God again for rescuing me from     system or standard. Devices and
          of those who drive the ox-cart     that life. I can see it for what it is   components are manufactured,
          called modern civilization?        now, but in that moment, I just    licenses are issued, training is
          I had an opportunity to partic-    thought I was misfiring. But I     carried out, marketing is con-
          ipate in an activity that raised   had seen something, something      ducted, construction for masts
          in me great concerns about the     that was not right, I just couldn’t   is undertaken, applications are
          world we are living in and just    articulate it then. So I reacted. I   developed, shops are stocked,
          how fake it is. Someone was        now put it to you, what if the par-  taxes and duties are levied,
          giving another individual some     adigm is rotten and wrong? This    university degrees are created
          very well-intentioned and highly   would mean that one can play       etc. The universe surrounding
          professional counsel about how     the game and on the basis of the   the operating system or standard
          to navigate their office environ-  rules be found perfect, but be     is established and the train rolls
          ment. Believe me when I say        utterly misplaced and inaccurate   out of the station with everyone
          that this counsel was absolutely   with regard to what is actually    is committed to ensuring its suc-
          flawless, bang on and exactly      needful.                           cess. There is a structure to it. Is
          what the person needed not         Walk with me a moment as I try     it necessary to have a new OS or
          only to hear but to implement in   to explain. The majority of the    standard? Someone somewhere
          order to survive their workplace   world has embraced a Capitalist    deemed it to be. Why? The
          and remain relevant such that      system which is driven large-      most popular reason is usually
          they can rise through the ranks    ly by excessive consumption        progress. What was wrong with
          and even keep their job. It was    (market size), wastage (planned    the old one? It’s old. Was the
          precise and accurate for the       obsolescence), pollution (man-     old one even necessary? Don’t
          paradigm this person and most      ufacturing, packaging) and debt    stand in the path of progress!  So
          of the world believe in. The       (financing, loans).  In order      Capitalism, as a system, created
          counsel did absolutely nothing     to ensure that the system has      a super-structure to ensure that
                                             a modicum of sustainability,       it is sustained. That means for

          12      |   Heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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