Page 14 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 8
P. 14
Silencing the guns in Afrika
Samuel Phillips
e who goes to war Much appreciation to the leaders of
without the knowledge African Union who declared 2020 There are hidden wars and gun
of peace fights for as the year of ‘Silencing the Guns: conflicts almost in every corner
Hnothing. He doesn't Creating a Conducive Conditions of Afrika. Al-Shabaab doing their
understand what peace looks like for Africa's Development.’ atrocities in some borders of
and will not recognize peace when Kenya, Boko Haram and Fulani
he meets one. Halfway into 2020, and from all Herdsmen creating fear in some
indications, the war to silence the parts of northern Nigeria, the raging
Peace is a Person and because guns in Afrika is still very far away conflict in Mali, the subtle conflicts
we all are created in the image of from achieving its aims and some- in Zimbabwe and other parts of Af-
Him who is Peace, we all are peace how it’s easy to tell that humans are rika and the most important of all -
personified. Meaning that, that little more complicated than the dangers domestic abuse which is a silent war
child on his way to school is peace, of guns on the street. For obviously, but whose effects are louder than
the woman in the market is peace, guns do not move themselves about mortars. While it is ok to go all out
the father in the office working to nor do they hide themselves from to silence the guns in every part of
provide food for his family is peace, the eyes of those meaning to silence Afrika's soil, just maybe a critical lit-
the flourishing fields of grass for our them. That the project to silence tle look into the wars of words that
animals is peace. But how many the guns in Afrika is still much alive go on in our Afrikan homes would
times have we said we are keeping and that many conflicts and wars assist as well.
the peace but the very people who are still going on in Afrika, even
are peace personified are the very though not many are reported in Words and deeds are also bullets
same victims of our "peacekeeping"? the media space, shows you that The human tongue is a fire, a whole
The simple truth is that, guns don't there are those who really love the world of iniquity when not tamed
kill people, it is people that kill sound of guns and the laments of and trained to speak accurate words
people. those fallen by their bullets. that heal rather than kill.
14 | Heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika