Page 70 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 8
P. 70


          with.                              Spirit when I was in high school.   a stay-at-home mom and I was
                                             One of my friends wanted to be     running my business from home.
          What is Afrika to you?             baptized in the gifts and we went   I started making sauces as a hobby
          Afrika is vibrant, vivacious, full of   and prayed for her. We took her to   in 2000, and after some years my
          color, with deep, deep treasure that   the tennis courts around 7 pm, after   husband suggested that I make a
          has not even been experienced.     dinner, and prayed and I’m the one   business out of it. So in 2007, I
          She has been downtrodden, she has   that got baptized in the Holy Spirit.   started the sauces business, with a
          been suffocated and strangled over   (Laughs) She received it years later.   lot of foundational questions in my
          the years, but I think the reason that   My journey with the Lord has been   mind. I was asking, “Who has God
          has been done to her is that they   spontaneous; it has nothing to do   made me?” That became more
          know that she has potential. She is   with me desiring it. It was pap!   intense in 2010 during my turning
          beautiful and whoever or whatever   “Have it! Let’s move on.” Then He   point year. I wanted to hear God
          she puts her mind to, she has the   explains it later. I’d see very vivid   for myself and that began a new
          ability to birth with ease. Whatev-  dreams and I would have visions   journey for me. In 2011, however,
          er seeds are put down, they grow.   that would come to pass. The most   I became rebellious, my husband
          From north to south, east to west,   vivid dream I had then was about   and I were having a rough time
          there is treasure everywhere. I think   judgment day. I remember it was   in our marriage and we decided
          there is none that can be compared   very bright and there were many   that each one should do their own
          to who Afrika is.                  people standing around a lake and   thing; eventually, in 2012 we went
                                             then this bright light came speaking.   our separate ways. I moved back
          You’ve gone through a pro-         I would later recall these dreams   to Kenya on my own, crying the
          cess with God as an individual     with understanding.                whole way home. During that time
                                                                                I was feeling very suicidal and very
                                             When I was 17, one of the words
          and as a business person, tell     God spoke to me was, “I have       depressed, but God was speaking
          us about that journey.             made you a vessel of honor and     to me very clearly and urging me to
          You guys are Msingi (foundation); I   your instruction is to obey me.”   dig deeper into His vision of love,
          just love the fact that you are Msin-  I was not behaving like a vessel   which He helped me understand
          gi. God did a serious restoration of   of honor, I was not obeying the   through 1 Corinthians 13. Once
          my Msingi. I gave my life to Christ   instructions that He had given   I processed through it, He came
          when I was 8, I rededicated it when   me. I was doing what I call being   back and said, “Okay, you’ve got
          I was 9, then I rededicated again   a schizophrenic Christian. I loved   My vision of love, what do you see
          when I was 12 (laughs). With every   dancing but I loved being in church.   as a perfect love?” Through this
          altar call, I went forward. But I   I did this from high school until   He began to speak to me about my
          guess the significant times I under-  2012. I was in church doing min-  marriage and my husband. I prayed
          stood the decision I had made was   istry and prayers and I had this   and asked Him to change me, and
          when I was 8 and when I was 16.    other lifestyle. I say that because   of course, He began the process.
          I was in Form 3 at 16 and it was   a lot of Christians do that. They   After a month of being in my room,
          during Sunday chapel and there was   have worldly friends and Christian   my brother came to me and asked
          one minister that came and simply   friends and those lives do not come   me to join him for a conference.
          sang a song and it was nothing big. I   together. 2010 was a turning point   The pastor who was speaking there
          just felt the Holy Spirit come upon   year for me because I was tired of   had presided over his wedding two
          me and she (the minister) simply   the dichotomy. What was playing in   years prior and at that time had
          said, “Is there anyone that wants to   my mind was “What does it profit a   given me a card with scriptures to
          give their life to Christ?” and I was   man that he should gain the whole   read, one of which was 1 Corinthi-
          the only one that stood up and I   world but lose his soul?”          ans 13. I had asked him to pray for
          went forward and I gave my life to   I started my business when I was   my marriage and he had said, “Go
          Christ - again. (Laughs).          19. Fashion was my thing; I studied   and rest in the Lord.” That did not
          That began the journey of Holy     fashion design and marketing at    sit well with me, but fast-forward
          Spirit speaking to me. I used to   the university in the UK, where I   to that conference he walks in and
          hear and see from the time I was   met my husband. We got married     says, “Today we are going to go
          young, but I couldn’t conceptual-  in 1997, while still at the university.   into God’s rest.” Which is what I
          ize it and even then I never talked   At this point, I decided to make   had heard God say that to me that
          about it. I got baptized in the Holy   my family priority, so I became   morning. At some point, the pastor

          70      |   Heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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