Page 75 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 8
P. 75


          plummeted due to poaching,         the link between King Solomon      is the reason for this article.
          deforestation and encroachment     of ancient Israel and Ethiopia,
          on their habitat.                  through his son Menelik 11 who     The Sound from Afrika
          Among the Afrikan big cats,        he had with the Queen of Sheba.    There is a sound coming forth
          lions are the most sociable. They   It looks just like a simple story   out of Afrika and to which it is
          live in groups called prides,      of family relationships and stuff,   important that Afrikans them-
          which usually consist of related   but in reality, it’s a deep prophet-  selves pay close heed. Accord-
          females and their cubs. Dom-       ic indicator of the role of Afrika   ing an old prophecy, Afrika is
          inant males, with their flowing    in this age, particularly when you   shaped like a gun – a revolver to
          manes (which are a sign of         consider that a massive area of    be precise - with Nigeria being
          virility), fight to maintain breed-  Afrika was at one time called    the trigger, Kenya the holding
          ing rights. And I tell you, these   Ethiopia.                         place of the bullet (land of
          fights between rival males can be                                     manifestation) and South Afrika
          deadly.                            How is this important?             being the nozzle from whence
          Afrikan lions used to be spread    Knowing that King David, the       the sound is released. But not
          out across most of the conti-      father of King Solomon, was        too long ago, the Lord showed
          nent, but now are only found in    from the Tribe of Judah and that   me that there is a more accurate
          sub-Saharan Afrika, with 80%       Judah, the patriarch of the tribe   and more ancient image that
          located in eastern or southern     of Judah, was a man of color or    Afrika is meant to reveal. He
          Afrika. Three of the five largest   black, it makes sense to speak    revealed to me that Afrika is a
          populations are in Tanzania.       boldly that I believe the reason   shofar in the hand of God and
          Lions have disappeared from 12     why I was shown this article in    that the sound which the sho-
          sub-Saharan countries in recent    my dream, is to both write this    far will release is the sound of
          decades.                           article and also remind Afrikans   the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
          Lions are the top predators in     of the covenant of rulership that   South Afrika is the mouth of that
          their environment, whether         God placed upon the tribe of       shofar, the west and east of Afri-
          that’s grasslands, desert or open   the man of color (Judah), that    ka are both the holding places of
          woodland. It means that they       is, Afrika. Like I have written    the sound and the northern part
          play a crucial role in keeping     several times before, both in this   of Afrika is the place from which
          a healthy balance of numbers       magazine and on my website,        the roaring sound of that shofar
          among other animals, especially, life and ruler-    will release the sound of the
          herbivores like zebra and wilde-   ship started from Afrika, the      Lion of Judah, for the healing,
          beest – which in turn influences   oldest civilization, went through   restoration and rebirthing of the
          the condition of grasslands and    the various civilizations and now   earth.
          forests. By protecting a lion’s    is returning to Afrika, where it all
          landscape, it helps the whole      began. It is this rulership and life   The days are here and every-
          area to thrive, which doesn’t just   that Afrika is mandated to reveal   thing is pointing to this reality,
          benefit wildlife but the people    in this age to the world, and that   but are Afrikans aware?
          who rely on local natural re-
          sources too.

          The Lion of the Tribe of Judah           Lion of Judah statue in Addis.
           A few years ago, I was in Addis
          Ababa with my wife and one of
          the most fascinating monuments
          that we visited was the statue of
          the Lion of Judah. It's a beautiful
          statue which is reminiscent of

          WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                            ISSUE 8 | SEPT/OCT 2020  75
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