Page 78 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 8
P. 78
isn’t its enormous natural resource proximately 100 billion cells called every aspect of the agricultural
wealth found beneath or above neurons that control the body’s value chain, and ensuring stringent
the earth, but in its human capital behavior. These same neurons, guidelines are implemented to
potential. remarkably, are also present in the ensure we produce clean, safe and
human gut. Within the human gut affordable food, will, in turn, ensure
In this world, functionality is de- are half a billion neurons. A large our food security, greatly reduce
pendent upon a source of energy. nerve called the vagus nerve serves our unemployment figures, boost
Flora photosynthesizes from the as an interface to send forth signals our immune systems and begin to
absorption of the sun’s rays. Trans- in both directions; from the gut to alter our mindset and thinking. Em-
portation systems cannot function the brain and vice versa. Scientific powered, healthy people, who are
without an effective fuel source. studies also show that the microbes no longer living their daily lives in
Our gadgets and devices also re- present in the gut produce chemi- survival mode, who attained social
quire energy to function. Humanity cals that affect the functionality of mobility in a dignified manner and
is no different. Food is humanity’s the brain as well as the immune sys- are eating clean, nutritious food,
source of fuel and energy. The tem through the regulation of what will begin to think better. Thinking
quality of food we consume is a key is allowed to pass into the body and better will enable us to collectively
determining factor in the level at what is excreted. identify our problems, bring about
which we function. We must begin solutions and continually strive for
to take a sober collective look at The connectivity present between excellence. A continent of en-
the quality and type of foods we the gut and the brain is all the more lightened thinkers will drastically
are consuming. Are we consuming reason why we must begin to give transform the continent for the
affordable, safe and nutritious food focused attention to our agricultural better and set us on a path towards
that will enable us to function at sector and make a concerted effort another African golden age.
optimal capacity or are we consum- to create an enabling environment
ing inadequate nutrient-deficient for the sector to truly thrive.
food that does not provide us with In our continent’s agricultural sec-
sufficient nutrition to operate at tor lies a low hanging fruit capable
optimal capacity? of solving a myriad of our prob-
lems. Africa has been endowed with
Within the human body resides a 60% of the world’s remaining arable
highly complex system which con- land. We have significant water
nects both physically and biochem- resources, abundant sunlight and
ically the gastrointestinal tract and teeming human capital potential.
the central nervous system. The Utilizing our land effectively, en-
communication that takes place couraging technological innovation
between your gastrointestinal tract in the sector by way of incentives,
and your central nervous system building of supporting infrastruc-
is referred to as the gut-brain axis. ture, providing an enabling environ-
Present within the human brain and ment to facilitate large scale youth
central nervous system are ap- participation in the sector across
Mengoub, Ezzahra Fatima & Okocha, Olisaeloka (2019) Technology in Africa’s Olisaeloka (PJ) Okocha is a life-
Agricultural Sector: Creating Jobs and Fostering Economic Growth. Atlantic Currents, 6th Edition, pp. 113-114 long learner and entrepreneur, and
Robertson, Ruairi (27/06/2018), committed to Pan-African unity
Robertson, Ruairi (27/06/2018),
Robertson, Ruairi (27/06/2018), and building a self-sufficient conti-
Leke, Acha, Lund, Susan, Roxburgh Charles and van Wamelen, Arend (01/06/2010) nent through agricultural innova- tion. A window into his mind can
be found on his twitter handle @
78 | Heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika