Page 74 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 8
P. 74
Samuel Phillips
ruth be told, I am not to write specifically for this maga-
exactly sure why I am zine. The Afrikan Lion
writing this article, I tried to put aside the dream If there is one animal in Afrika
Tbut I am hoping I get because of my earlier promise which has been given the attri-
the full reason before I get to the not to write another article, but butes of kingship, power, maj-
end of it. this very picture kept coming esty, and lordship of the other
After writing about ten articles back to me. Now I am beginning beasts and which has no natural
for this very issue, I told my wife to believe that this article will go predators, it is the Lion. But
I was not going to write anoth- the direction of a prophetic word notwithstanding such grandiose
er article, so as to allow others more than just being an article attributes of the Afrikan lion, the
to contribute their own share for information or knowledge numbers of this majestic animal
of articles and stories. But in a sharing. So I will share a little have plummeted by over 40% in
dream, I saw this very page with about the biology and family the last three generations, due to
the lion and then the word that I structure and environment of the loss of living space and conflict
woke up with was "The Afrikan Afrikan Lion and from there see with people.
Lion". It was a bit strange but not what the Lord has in mind con- Conflicts with people sounds
unusual for me to have a direct cerning the prophetic direction it like mere words, so I think I
indication or instruction of what should take. should say their numbers have
74 | Heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika