Page 73 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 8
P. 73
to work on a home, for interior de- that had been spoken about Israel good, we believe Afrika is not good
sign, each home the Lord has sent and he searched it out and started and anything that comes out of her
me to is for prayer and restoration speaking it. It is time, as Afrikans, is also not good. And yet, how can
and to speak something into that to change the narrative because we a place that feeds the world and has
family. If He sends me to land, it is know the purpose of Afrika. the minerals not be good? Those
to pray over it, to bring restoration. When it was time for us to leave are physical signs of greatness and
the UK, I knew it was time because goodness.
Tell us a little bit more about I just felt uneasy there, but every The other thing that really amazed
your products and services. time I came home I had peace. I me when I came back to Kenya,
was that everyone except the Afri-
didn’t care whether we would be
Rizichi is a brand that celebrates living in a mud hut or whatever, but kans were coming back to Afrika
our heritage, which is inspired by I would have such peace. When I and exploring different nooks and
our Afrikan heritage to touch the was here, my creativity would just crannies, even by Boda Boda, to
sphere of food, living, and fashion. burst; I would feel like I can create search out opportunities. There’s
Fashion is obvious, it’s clothing, anything while I’m here. Not that I something happening here. It’s like
food is the sauces and living is the didn’t create stuff in England. I also the way the animals are not told
interior design aspect of things. I know I’m linked to both England there’s water over there, they just
have clients who are sick and I’ll and here. So it’s about understand- turn and move towards the water.
go into their house and find they ing what your purpose is, other- How come Afrikans are not doing
are cluttered and so I’ll pray about wise it creates confusion. That’s that? There’s something missing
who God has called them to be and why you find people with mental which needs to be restored. Even
we will design and style the space health issues, they don’t know their with people talking about ‘it’s not
according to who God has called purpose. And I know that’s a con- a good place to invest’, they are
them to be. God has now put it troversial statement. But that’s for investing undercover. China has
together and so Rizichi’s Creations another day. come, Europe has come, America
is a lifestyle brand, born of Rizichi, has come and we are
which is the gift of God, using the selling our birthright
gift of creativity in fashion, in food, It’s quite very quickly. Can’t we
and in life. popular to stop and ask why these
say that Af- guys are coming here
What would you want people rika is the and why we are selling
to know about life and pur- cradle of ourselves short?
pose? humanity, I believe that the
Each of us has a purpose that was and it’s true platform that you have
ordained by God before time that she is. is an opportunity for
began. One must search out for a mindset change.
themselves - if they don’t know - How do Afri- One of the things that
who God has called them to be. kans translate needs to happen in
If you’re a parent or parent-to-be, that reality Afrika is the mindset
search out who you have been into person- change at all levels,
called to be and that which your al strengths whether it’s policy
children have been called to be. I that can help change or accepting
say that a family has a purpose, cou- that we have within us to
ples have a purpose, a country has change Afrika do what God has called us to do.
a purpose, a territory has a purpose for the better?
a continent has a purpose and it all The answer lies in the question I’d urge you to continue to break
feeds into the whole, at all levels. you asked before; it’s about know- the mold, have those conversations
You should find out where you fit ing their purpose. Because, if you so that they can be thought-provok-
in. You should consciously search didn’t know your own personal ing, and also push it further so that
out the purposes of God. Daniel purpose or the purpose of Afrika, people can rebuild Afrika.
knew who he was and what God then you would not celebrate her
had called him to be to the point and that’s why we always sell out
where he knew there was a word because we believe we are not