Page 62 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 9
P. 62
expunge records of past arrests, and ment at the same time. Unless we do ADD
allow farming by registered growers something to change this, a time will • Treating glaucoma
(Omul, 2018).” According to Duvall, come when Afrikan governments • Alleviating anxiety
a Kenyan scholar testifying before will yield to the pressure to become • Slowing development of
parliament said about bhang, that: markets for CBD oil and marijua- Alzheimer’s disease
“it is medicine [and] it was […] until na buds and who knows what else • Dealing with pain linked
the colonialists came and illegalized when we could have owned the mar- to arthritis
it. We are reinstating the freedom. If ket and become the chief exporters • Helping with PTSD
we see value in it that they don’t see, to the world. But, we can’t because symptoms
it doesn’t mean we have to go their it is legal to grow here and sell there, • Helping provide relief to
way” (Muchangi, 2017). He makes and illegal to use here. individuals with multiple
a good point... only that they do see How does that make sense? These sclerosis
value in it and Afrikan governments are the contradictions we entertain • Reducing side effects
are now starting to go their way, that keep Afrika downtrodden and linked to hepatitis C and
again, instead of their way – which oppressed. increase the effectiveness
is what ought to be how we operate of treatment
now on the continent. Medicinal Properties • Treating inflammatory
First and foremost, as we keep em- bowel diseases
So, now, as then, the West has found phasizing, God gave the leaves for • Helping with tremors
one more way in which to exploit the healing of all nations and (like associated with Parkin
Afrika and Afrikan governments it or not) as sure as He created you son’s disease
are taking it lying down. We have and me, He created the weed. • Helping with alcoholism
the perfect blunt stock, the climate,
the water, the air and the soil and Let’s look at cannabis sativa’s medic-
inal properties for a moment: This is the kind of psychological,
According to, the scientific and economic limited
beneficial properties in cannabis and thinking that we keep trying to
hemp plants are due primarily to highlight. For YOU it is an illegal
naturally occurring phytocannabi- drug, for the rest of the world who
noids, which are biologically active YOU are growing it for, it is legal,
chemical compounds. The two most and YOUR country is growing this
abundant are cannabidiol (CBD) illegal drug, profiting off it, but you
and delta-9-tetrahydrocannbinol cannot utilize it to heal or to inno-
(THC). They say that CBD im- vate with, in any way… and at some
pacts the brain, making it function point, someone with influence, who
better, without giving it a high and wants to make money off you will
THC (which can make you high) come and force your government to
has pain-relieving properties. They make you use their version of it and
also say that CBD is beneficial in the cite the common good.
following ways:
Paying attention yet?
• Relieving chronic pain
are handing out licenses to people • Improving lung capacity
who will do the R&D and packaging • Helping with weight loss
then turn around and sell it back to • Regulating and prevent
us at who knows how many more diabetes
times the price. A drug we could • Fighting cancer
have refined for centuries had we • Treating depression
only charted our own course. A raw • Shows promise in autism
material we could have convert- treatment
ed into biodegradable fabrics and • Regulating seizures
other construction and fabrication • Mending bones
materials and protected our environ- • Helping with ADHD/
62 | Heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika