Page 59 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 9
P. 59


          refuse to cut any grass because    eaters follow a rhythmic pattern
          he was psychically sensitive to    of washing hands, putting the      In Africa, a human
          nature and was aware of the        food in their mouths, chewing      being is a person, not
          usefulness of each plant.          and drinking. When nursing,        just an individual. An
          Osanyin did not just have          mothers never cease to sing        individual is one who
          knowledge of herbs. He also        lullabies. In times of danger,     is on his own, who
          knew how to use the energy         Africans sing or recite sacred     does his own thing,
          of plants to effect changes in     mantras to ward off danger.        goes his own way
          human bodily conditions. This      Various methods are used to        and separates him-
          he did through the chanting of     detect the medicinal values of     self from others. He
          sacred chants or potent speech.    herbs. In traditional African      has a ‘soul’, a ‘mind’
          Osanyin taught that one way        societies, and indeed in other     and a ‘body’, all of
          to attune oneself to the energy    parts of the world, people look
          waves of plants is to learn their   at the color and shape as well as   which are distinct
          names and pronounce them au-       the location of a plant to get an   and at times opposed.
          dibly. African tradition is an oral   insight into its use and impor-  A person, on the oth-
          tradition, and so pride of place   tance. This is called the theory   er hand, is a being
          is given to memory work and        of signatures. They believe that   who exists with and
          careful use of words. As a child   plants grow in any specific area   for others.
          grows up, he/she is taught how     because there is a need for them.
          to use words and to avoid saying   Herbs that grow on mountains       treating all forms of infertility in
          certain words that may attract a   are believed to be good for the    both men and women.
          negative spirit. Rhythm governs    respiratory system-lungs, bron-    Herbs that grow close to the
          words, discussions and daily life   chi, nostrils and the nervous     soil are believed to be good for
          as a whole. By a rhythmic com-     system. They cure high blood       digestive and circulatory prob-
          bination of words, Africans get    pressure as well as pneumonia.     lems. Since they are close to the
          themselves attuned to universal    Herbs that grow in water are       ground, the mineral content is
          cosmic vibrations and so are       regarded as medicinal. In the      high, and so they are good for
          able to maintain balance in their   first place, they are usually edi-  the bones and blood. Those who
          lives. This explains why music     ble, since poisonous herbs very    suffer from anaemia would find
          permeates and defines every        rarely grow in water. They are     these herbs useful. Granted that
          aspect of the daily lives of Afri-  good for the circulatory system   the theory of signatures is not
          cans. When going to the stream     and help in repairing the liver    always true, it is amazing to see
          to fetch water, children chant.    and the kidney, two vital organs   how much of the insights of the
          When working on the farm,          in the body. Herbs that grow in    ancients have been confirmed by
          farmers sing. When eating, the     water are believed to be good for   modern science as true.
                                                                                It is one of the sad aspects of
                                                                                the history of sub-Saharan
                                                                                Africa that we have no written
                                                                                records of the medical system
                                                                                of our ancestors. However, from
                                                                                the excavated surgical knives,
                                                                                the concoction jars, the carved
                                                                                statues of the various deities,
                                                                                we have a good idea of African
                                                                                medical practice in the ancient
                                                                                world, and we can now rewrite
                              1879 Uganda cesarean_section                      our history.

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