Page 57 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 9
P. 57


          the Pharaoh Djoser of the 3rd      the medieval period. The first     a hole through the skull to the
          dynasty, Imhotep’s gifts as a      was through tutorship by one’s     outer covering of the brain to
          physician overshadowed all the     parents. Sons and daughters of     remove fragments from a skull
          others.                            learned physicians often learned   fracture compressing the brain,
                                             the profession from their father,   to treat epilepsy and headache.
          Hippocratic medicine had           and medicine might become          Why one would ask, did the
          direct antecedents in Egyptian     a family’s major profession for    Egyptian medical expertise
          medicine. The Egyptians were       generations.                       and sophistication not spread
          writing medical textbooks as                                          to sub- Saharan Africa? The
          early as 5000 years ago. Out of    The second method was              reason is that external invasions
          the hundreds and thousands         through self-teaching, whereby     after 661 BC caused the Egyp-
          of papyri that may have been       serious-minded students taught     tian officials to look northward
          written, we are lucky to have at   themselves by compiling a list of   towards Europe rather than the
          least 10, which give us a window   medical texts, which were then     south. Thus, trade-in material
          into medical practice among        read until they were satisfied     goods and culture and medical
          those ancient Africans. The city-  that their contents had been       knowledge was only trans- Med-
          state of Athens used to import     learned. The major pitfall of this   iterranean. Added to this is the
          Egyptian physicians, as did most   method was that the student        factor of the famine and dry
          of the Kingdoms of the Near        may misinterpret certain sci-      phase of ca. 2500BC that created
          East.  The Magico-spiritual and    entific terms in a way different   the Sahara Desert and caused
          rational elements intermingle in   from the intended meaning.         the Negroid cultures of middle
          Egyptian medicine.                 That notwithstanding, successful   Africa to move southwards. This
          The dissemination of medical       doctors did emerge from this       effectively isolated sub-Saharan
          knowledge was often limited        tradition.                         Africa from the scientific chang-
          to a few families, though oth-     The third method was that a stu-   es occurring in the Mediterra-
          ers who showed enough talent       dent entered the medical profes-   nean basin.
          could be allowed to practice.      sion through classes in hospitals
          The physician was highly re-       or medical schools. The tradi-     Sub-Saharan Africa, with the
          spected and is referred to as      tion of medical specialization     exemption of Ethiopia, was
          Hakim (a wise man or philos-       is said to have originated with    predominantly non-literate until
          opher). Doctors had their own      the Egyptian ancient medical       the 11th century AD when Islam
          boats and traveled the Nile to     system. There were specialists     introduced Arabic literacy into
          treat patients.                    who treated the different parts    western Sudan. That literacy
          Rulers surrounded themselves       of the body: eyes, head, teeth,    came late into sub-Saharan Afri-
          with physicians to ensure they     intestines etc.  This tradition of   ca does not mean that it has no
          were well taken care of in case    specialization seemed to have      history. In fact, some of the best
          of illness. Medical cures ranged   disappeared for some centuries     ideas in the history of human
          from the use of potent speech      until it came back again in the    thought were the earliest, yet
          (incantation or magico-spiritual   4th century BC. Once again, this   most histories of ideas ignore
          element) to the more preventive    tradition disappeared around 30    them. This is due to the wrong
          and rational diagnosis based       BC and did not resurface until     assumption that history started
          on ancient Egyptian medical        the 20th century.                  with the invention of writing,
          practices. Egyptian medical en-                                       thereby leaving out the ideas of
          terprise flowed across Rome and    Skulls found from ancient Egyp-    our earliest ancestors. However,
          the rest of Europe, where it was   tian graves indicated that they    most societies, for most of histo-
          modified over many centuries.      practiced trephination. This op-   ry, have esteemed oral tradition
          There were three routes to         eration is a forerunner of neu-    more highly than writing.  Their
          becoming a skilled physician in    rosurgery and involves boring      ideas are inscribed in other

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