Page 58 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 9
P. 58
ways—left in the fragments of
material culture for archaeolo-
gists to unearth, or buried deep
in modern minds for psycholo-
gists to excavate, or preserved in
later ages by traditional societ-
ies, where anthropologists are
sometimes able to elicit them.
Secondly, some people’s prej-
udice makes them suppose
that there are no ideas worth
the name in the minds of the
ancients, whom they called
‘primitive’ or ‘savage’, mired in
“pre-logical” thought, or retard- Ancient Egyptian Surgical Tools.
ed by magic or myth. However, These bronze and copper objects belong to the category of medical tools or
there has not been any evidence embalming instruments; indeed it is sometimes difficult to specify. We are here
of any change in human brain in the presence of sharp objects of different types. On the first row, stand four
capacity or in human intelli- examples of different size of the same tool with blade and sharp foot. They are
gence since over 30,000 years similar to a doctor’s scalpel, but it is also often identified as embalming knife;
ago. reserved for mummification. Source:
Medical practice in sub-Saha-
ran Africa is a combination of kidney, gall bladder, and gizzard to use a more technical term,
the magical, the mythical, the are burnt to ashes and used as immortalized. Just as Europe-
spiritual and the scientific. In part of herbal ingredients for an scientists such as Galileo,
Africa, a human being is a per- various illnesses. For example, Faraday, Newton, Descartes and
son, not just an individual. An cow tail and liver burnt to ashes Einstein, have been immortal-
individual is one who is on his are said to be a good remedy for ized in our memories, so also
own, who does his own thing, diabetes. An energetic analysis do Africa heroes deserved to be
goes his own way and separates of these animal parts shows that remembered and appreciated
himself from others. He has these organs are high vibratory not just by Africans but also by
a ‘soul’, a ‘mind’ and a ‘body’, organs with high electromag- the world.
all of which are distinct and at netic fields and taking them
times opposed. A person, on the as medicine is a good way of Even though Orunmila is re-
other hand, is a being who exists transmitting these energy waves garded as the founding father of
with and for others. A person to the diseased organs. African-Yoruba medicine, the
is a person with and because of Legend has it that the earli- title of ‘father of Yoruba med-
others. A person cannot define est form of healing in Africa icine’ is accorded a man called
himself except in relation to is vibrational healing. As an Osanyin. Osanyin had the gift
others. example, among many others, of communicating with plants.
African medicine does not just the Yoruba of western Nigeria He could so attune himself to
involve herbs. In African med- have a highly developed system the energy field of plants that
icine, the use of animal parts, of vibratory healing. The found- through his perception of the
music, sacred chants, potent ing father of African-Yoruba vibration of these plants, gain
speech, dance and touch are medical practice is a man called knowledge of their uses. As a
prominent. In many parts of Af- Orunmila, who, like many other young man, whenever he was
rica, animal parts such as liver, African heroes, was deified, or, sent to the farm, he would
58 | Heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika