Page 13 - A People Called Afrika
P. 13

God began to talk to me about A RESET. At the time I was
             only seeing it from one perspective (as that which comes af-
             ter learning how to live a life of Surrender; an abundant life)
             but in the consequent weeks I would soon learn through
             experience that there was more (there always is with God!)
             He began to show me through a report of an ectopic preg-
             nancy (in the fallopian tube), why A RESET  was critical.

             There is only so much we can grow in a tube, and without
             growth, death is  imminent.  But  bless  God for His  Faith-
             ful Grace and this hope we have in Him: His Word AL-
             WAYS PREVAILS. He has already said He will perform
             a RESET and even further, He has already made His heart
             and purpose for Afrika very clear and He is ready and will-
             ing  to  perform  the  RESET,  question  is:  Do  you  HEAR
             Him? Will you do your part and swim and be planted where
             you are supposed to grow, so that you may bring forth the
             life force within you and experience the fullness of God?

             Whereas we have lost 6 decades, He is El-Shaddai, the One
             with the power to suspend natural laws, fast-forward, rewind,
             and redeem time. Afrika, it is NOW time indeed to ARISE
             and step out of the Fear that has held you back with the full
             understanding of what God has already said (over and over)
             concerning you and your eternal purpose. Embrace His Love
             and Freedom and begin to walk in dominion. Take back
             your inheritance and live out every Word spoken over you;
             the World is groaning… waiting for the manifestation of the
             Sons of God--I introduce to you A People Called Afrika!

             Fannis Mwende
             Author of Surrender: Don’t Just Live

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