Page 11 - Agenda 21
P. 11

Page 11 of 121

             AGENDA  21  Sustainable  Development  is  antithetical  to  the  Declaration  of  Independence,  the U.S.
             Constitution, and the inalienable rights George Washington identified in this proclamation: “Private
             property and freedom are inseparable.”

             Sustainable  Development  is  deceptively  implemented  by  a  myriad  of  schemes  that  circumvent
             Congressional  legislation,  traditional  jurisdictions,  statutory  law,  normal  debate  and  public  voting.
             This  movement  exploits  a  deliberately  complex  matrix  of  manufactured  environmental/economic
             crises,  Executive  Orders,  draconian  EPA  regulations,  green  initiatives,  NGO  grants,  public/private
             monopolies, regional bureaucracies, community “visioning” meetings, manufactured consensus, and a
             plethora of administrative regulations.

             Another  AGENDA  21  example  is  the  Orton  Family  Foundation,  an  NGO  behind  the  canceled
             “Comprehensive  Plan”  for  rural  La  Plata  County,  Colorado,  which  sought  to  concentrate  their
             population  into  “Smart  Growth”  "mixed  use"  corridors  in  condos  above  the  street  level  retail
             businesses. “Durango has not experienced a housing bubble or high unemployment. However, they
             have destroyed their once historic downtown with a massive infill project in recent years, increasing
             population and traffic in its downtown area with townhomes and “smart growth towers.”

             The Orton Family Foundation helped design the Colorado Smart Growth Scorecard document posted
             on no less than the EPA’s website. The out-of-control and thuggish EPA, classifying life-giving CO2 as
             a pollutant, is teaming up with dozens of NGO’s to aggressively implement AGENDA 21.

             This quote from Heidi Hall echoes the main media’s standardized ridicule of anyone concerned about
             AGENDA  21.  “Agenda  21  was  a  lovely  document  produced  to  help  move  the  world  towards  more
             sustainable  living,  promoting  smart  growth  and  care  for  our  surroundings.  It  has,  like  most  UN
             documents, no teeth. And it respects national boundaries and sovereignty. I saw it as a rather pie-in-
             the-sky effort, but forward thinking nonetheless.

             I  cannot  fathom  why  a  group  of  people  would  twist  this  document  into  an  ugly  conspiracy  that
             supposedly hopes to cage people in cities to let wildlife roam free, and then rule those people in a
             global government. This is one of the most laughable conspiracies around today, except that it has
             been  taken  seriously  by  too  many  people,  apparently  most  ferociously  by  the  extreme  right.  The
             document  is  easily  Googled  and  read,  and  you  will  find  absolutely  nothing  to  support  such  fear-
             mongering talk.

             I  suggest  that  people  use  their  critical  thinking  skills  and  do  their  own  research when  it  comes  to
             conspiracy theories like these.”

             The main media, as  usual,  insults  your  intelligence by spewing consternation  and  mockery  instead
             offering  any  substantial  argument.  They  assume  most  of  America  can  be  brainwashed  instead  of

             Tom  DeWeese  cites  these  examples  from  publications  that  many  believe  are  reputable  (a  sad  fact
             deserving a complete analysis in itself).

             “So, the Progressives are using all of their impressive resources in government, the news media and
             the Internet to publish articles and plant their attempts to ridicule, cast doubt and spread their own
             creative conspiracy theories about our unexplained successes.
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