Page 15 - Agenda 21
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Strong is the embodiment of AGENDA 21. His ideas for expanding U.N. global
jurisdiction, his radical definition of sustainability and his pantheistic worldview
birthed AGENDA 21.
The New Yorker magazine said of Strong that "the survival of civilization in something like its present
form might depend significantly on the efforts of a single man”. He lost his job as top U.N. envoy for
North Korea because of his complicity in the U.N. Iraq oil-for-food scandal. He is Senior Advisor to
the UN Secretary General, Senior Advisor to the President of the World Bank, and Senior Advisor to
the Rockefeller and Rothschild's Trusts. He is Director of the International Union for the Conservation
of Nature, Chairman of the Earth Council, Chairman of the World Resources Institute and Co-
Chairman of the Council of the World Economic Forum.
AGENDA 21, “The Earth Summit Strategy To Save Our Planet”, is a global environmental justice and
social justice movement of Sustainable Development. This blueprint for sustainability is a
pervasive ideology, not an explicit program.
Delegates from 178 of the 192 mostly anti-
democratic U.N. member nations assigned
themselves the modest task of rescuing planet
earth, signing on to it as their official policy in 1992,
including President George H.W. “New World
Order” Bush, who pledged that America
would adopt AGENDA 21.
In Strong’s own words AGENDA 21 is the
empowerment of the U.N. to oversee
Sustainable Development worldwide.
Notice that sentence features Driver 1
(Sustainability) and 2 (Jurisdicton). If you have an understanding of the true mission of the U.N. and
of the real meaning of Sustainable Development, then you can grasp what AGENDA 21 is about.
The unveiling of AGENDA 21 at the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and
Development in Rio de Janerio, Brazil, was an easy sell among environmentalists, progressives and
globalists. But why wasn’t there a revolt against this agenda from Americans unwilling to cede their
individual, state and national sovereignty and unwilling to allow unelected regional administrators to
influence local land use, planning, lifestyle and economic policies?