Page 26 - Agenda 21
P. 26
Page 26 of 121
“JUSTICE” is a critical and very loaded term when combined with the words “social” and
Like seeking reparations for slavery; social/environmental justice requires that greedy capitalists and
independent land owners be stopped from taking advantage of the world’s land and resources and
restore wealth to those unfairly deprived of their share of the benefits. You have to understand this
from the worldview of the collectivist, like Maurice Strong. The “Earth Summit AGENDA 21” 321 page
master document outlines plans for the control of land use, housing, transportation, food
production, consumption patterns, water, energy, education, the role of industry and
health care. You should quote that sentence and some of the things Strong has said to the person
hassling you about your AGENDA 21 concerns.
Sustainable Development is about reversing development, not just about new “smart growth” forms
of development. The purpose of the “Wildlands Project” is to gradually remove all signs of humanity
and restore to its original condition half of
America’s land mass. This is also proven by the
fundamental elements of society which the
AGENDA 21 bible, the 1152 page Global Biodiversity
Assessment, classifies as
“unsustainable”, such as “grazing of livestock”,
“paved roads”, “harvesting of timber”, “railroads”
and “modern attitudes toward nature within the
Judeo-Christian-Islamic religions” (there’s a pagan
undercurrent in this movement)!
This list, found in the link below, absolutely proves how drastically AGENDA 21 would alter
The tide began to turn against Sustainable Development in 2011 when 54 cities put a stop to the
assaults on liberty that had resulted from being affiliated with one of the many local arms of AGENDA
21, the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (more below). As opposition
mounts the status quo progressive media is increasingly accusing those opposed to AGENDA 21 as
being paranoid of the United Nations. If progressives are in charge of your local government you may
never counteract the encroachments of AGENDA 21 until they are replaced with leaders who uphold
the Constitution. The hour is now especially late as the U.N. is accelerating its process of tightening
the AGENDA 21 noose around our necks, especially with such a willing ally in President Obama.
AGENDA 21 does no less than to replace our foundation of equal justice with social justice, in an even
more forceful and dramatic way than American progressives have been doing since the days of Teddy
Roosevelt (especially during Wilson, FDR, and Obama’s tenures), in violation of the Declaration of
And who administers this coerced fairness?