Page 10 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 12
P. 10
Re- Education
Samuel Phillipss
hen a person or a Somehow Afrika and Afrikans all We use their leftover clothes, left-
people constantly over have found themselves walking over cars, leftover electronics, old
live, think, act, relate away from the very forefront of technology, and even their leftover
Wand even create base their true and original self found in Covid-19 and leftover vaccines.
on a set of thinking patterns, those leadership, creativity, their royalty, How did we even get here? Where
will over time become their cultural true wealth, brotherhood, sanity the best of our land in wealth is
reality, irrespective of where they of morality etc and are now fol- sent out of the continent, while we
are coming from and what their lowing behind others from where are left with the unwanted, even
original antecedent was. Culture they mostly beg to be recognized while the very people to whom we
here being "the customary beliefs, as humans, not to even talk of as send our best to still call us poor
social forms, the characteristic being equals to others. We now and fault us for being poor.
features of everyday existence and pride ourselves in being consumers
material traits shared by a set of of leftover materials from other The bigger question, however, is
people in a place or time." countries. this: who really is to blame for this
10 | we tell the true afrikan story