Page 15 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 12
P. 15
leaders who move in predominant-
ly white evangelical circles. While
prominent white pastors often get
the attention for their statements
on racism, their younger, less
powerful black colleagues typically
work behind the scenes to facilitate
them. The evangelical world can be
distinctly challenging in which to
change people’s attitudes on race:
Many of these churches have a long
history of resistance to racial equity.
There have been significant signs
that the evangelical world is shifting
in ways that would have been un-
imagined only a few years ago."
Sadly even African clerics look up
injustice and taking a side. opted for by clerics and evangelists to white churches in order to make
throughout the globe. decisions and reforms in conduct-
Woke Evangelism? ing evangelism in Africa, therefore
1 Peter 3:15 – "But in your hearts Before the onset and rise of human a turnaround will ultimately decide
revere Christ as Lord. Always be rights campaigns that aimed at ad- whom churches can reach with their
prepared to give an answer to every- vocating for a common playing-field messages.
one who asks you to give the reason for all humanity with disregard for
for the hope that you have. But do complexion or background, the As Anyabwile went on to say in
this with gentleness and respect." pews were defined by social sta- his article, "Churches must under-
Africa is home to over 50 percent tus and widespread racial profiling stand the need to reconstitute the
of the world’s Christian popula- which defied the objectives of the whole person with biblical teaching
tion, which is evident and therefore teachings from the holy book, and responsive to the lived realities of
reveals how receptive Africans have never gave a pure reflection of the those communities." For me, this
been to the faith that was intro- gospel. This deprived marginalized rings true for African churches
duced to us in large part by colonial- groups of the chance to access the and communities. In precision, our
ists - even though it did find its way gospel of Christ creating rifts and approach to discipleship must, like
to the continent in different forms divisions within the church which Anyabwile says, "simultaneously heal
long before the white man came to affect it to this day. However, thanks the psychic and social destruction
our lands. It is, however, heretical to to bold ministers such as Reinhard done to the identities/personhood
dismiss the logic behind Christianity Bonnke and Billy Graham at the of Black people..." (I see this dam-
and to debase the cardinal principles time, who courageously opposed age in African people too.) "...while
tied to it, which are Faith, Hope and this agenda against all odds by recognizing and equipping them to
Love (1 Corinthians 13:13). From persistently condemning the blind- counter the social and political real-
where I sit, I would make a clouded ness of racial/social segregation in ities that contribute to that destruc-
presumption of saying that colo- churches across the globe, changes tion in the first place."
nialism presented a gigantic package took place.
containing good and bad morsels of It is not just in America, where we
traditions which Africans eventually As seen in a recent article by Emma need “woke evangelism,” as Dr.
adopted. Green in the wake of George King put it, “we are tied together in
Floyd's death, "a quiet network a single garment of destiny.” Africa's
Social justice and racial equity have of Christian leaders like (Phillip) churches must understand that this
often times, been promoted as an Pinckney has coalesced – a sort of is critical and find suitable responses
appropriate form of human co-ex- informal fellowship of Black pas- to the needs in their communities
istence from diverse wavelengths, tors, nonprofit staffers, and ministry before it is too late.