Page 12 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 12
P. 12


          with Perkins by his driver.
          Bear with me, I am going some-
          where with this story.

          Later in the same chapter, Perkins
          gave some details about the way of
          life of the Saudis. He said concern-
          ing a thought he was having within
          himself in this way “As I worked
          through these ideas, I thought of   I have watched the governments    I am only using Kenya as reference,
          the goats, and the words of my     in Afrika, their policies, the deci-  so it's not just a Kenyan thing and
          driver often echoed in my ears:    sions they make in the name of     definitely Kenya is not a target.
          “No self-respecting Saudi would    their people and I have come to
          ever collect trash.” I had heard that   conclude that the people are really   But seriously
          refrain repeatedly, in many different   not their priorities but the foreign   When will Afrikans realized that we
          contexts. It was obvious that the   masters who pay their bills are.   all have stayed on this side of the
          Saudis had no intention of putting   Every day you hear about how rich   desert for too long and then start
          their own people to work at me-    and wealthy Afrika is in words and   to empower one another to grow?
          nial tasks, whether as laborers in   on paper, but right there, as you are   Especially in this season of the
          industrial facilities or in the actual   listening to that story of riches and   African Free Trade Area.
          construction of any of the proj-   wealth, you see how poor and im-
          ects. In the first place, there were   poverished many areas in Afrika are.   The youths are getting it but...
          too few of them. In addition, the   It is obvious that we have become   We have entered a season in Afrika
          royal House of Saud had indicat-   a continent whose leaders either   in which the young people are real-
          ed a commitment to providing its   plot, help or simply fold their hands   izing how wasteful and unproduc-
          citizens with a level of education   and watch as the west plots and kill   tive their leaders have been and are
          and a lifestyle that were inconsistent   those who meant well for Afri-  beginning to create new realities for
          with those of manual laborers. The   kan people. Case in time, Thomas   themselves as youths. But are the
          Saudis might manage others, but    Sankara a fine Afrikan leader whose   older people or the Afrikan lead-
          they had no desire or motivation to   head was in the right place was   ers really paying attention to this
          become factory and construction    killed in a coup orchestrated by his   change or are they just busy saying
          workers. Therefore, it would be    own best friend, a man who later   the youths are trouble makers?
          necessary to import a labor force   became president. And now after   I asked my wife on the day I was
          from other countries — countries   thirty-four years, his 'friend' is being   writing this article "When will Af-
          where labor was cheap and where    convicted of the murder of Sanka-  rikan leaders realize that the young
          people needed work. If possible,   ra. Talk about lateness.           ones are awake and then give them
          the labor should come from other                                      the accurate support and resources
          Middle Eastern or Islamic countries,   Some time ago, my wife and I were   to make things happen in Afrika?"
          such as Egypt, Palestine, Pakistan,   in a particular clothing shop in   Her answer was, "maybe they the
          or Yemen.”                         Nairobi CBD. I noticed the clothes   leaders are actually afraid of the
                                             were new and unused but they were   awakening of the young people."
          What a way to think. What a way    not looking great. In my innocent
          for the leaders to raise a people.   surprise I asked her what she thinks   Her answer definitely rings a bell in
          What a way to create a progres-    is the reason. She said that there are   my head.
          sive thinking culture that enables a   clothing factories in Kenya which   Here is the thing. If her answer is
          people think beyond servitude and   make clothes for export but that   true and I am beginning to think it
          subservient attitudes. Mind you, the   those particular sets of clothes I   is, then the question is, are we really
          above story happened in the early   was asking about are the ones re-  ready for a progressive united Afri-
          70’s and we all know that the way   jected. They could not be exported   ka? For a progressive united Afrika
          of life of the Saudi has not changed   so they are sold to Kenyans. I was   can only be made possible by the
          till date for anything but the better.   almost bursting with anger. So the   united force of the Afrikan youths
                                             one thing that fits the good people   in tandem with the wisdom and
          What about Afrika?                 of Kenya from their government     experience of the older ones.
                                             are the rejected clothes? Mind you,   Hotep!

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