Page 11 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 12
P. 11


          incomprehensible magnitude of      Otherwise it will be a pipe dream   on all Afrikans at independence but
          failure of the Afrikan narrative? My   that will never come to pass. What   as great suggestions from some of
          answer is none other than ourselves.   do I mean?                     the founding fathers of the Afri-
          Why do I say that? All our prob-                                      kan states. I am sure you know the
          lems begin with us, even before    See it this way.                   philosophies of people like Kwame
          they are created by others and                                        Nkrumah, Julius Nyerere, Thomas
          imposed on us. They begin with us   For there to be unity among Afri-  Sankara etc. So I won't say more
          when we think that what is Afrikan   kans, there must a central point of   about that.
          is inferior and what is foreign is the   reference that we all are coming
          ultimate. We have leaders who are   from historically and also there   But first, what is the central ideal of
          too myopic to see that the various   must be a central point of focus   the Afrikan leaders for their people
          policies and trade agreements they   that we all are walking towards in   and also the ideals of the Afrikan
          sign or enter into mostly are not fa-  the form of a vision and then an   people for themselves. A candid an-
          vorable to their own people, except   accurate culture in the present that   swer to this question and the other
          maybe their own allies and partners   enables the essence of the past to   question may begin the process of
          in foolishness.                    match with the vision of the future.   healing for Afrika.

          The past keeps haunting us         Why is that important? It’s a waste   Saudi Arabia for example
          For a person, a people or even a   of time to say we are fighting for an   I am currently reading the book by
          community to progress and have     Afrikan unity when we don’t even   John Perkins titled: The New Con-
          true development that is not the   have a picture of what that unity   fessions of An Economic Hit Man.
          lies and materialism that most have   looks like in hindsight and when we   The book has a lot of eye-opening
          embraced and which is destroying   are not readily available to do what   details about how the American
          our world, they must have a true   it takes to make it happen when we   global empire agenda works and
          connection between what was, what   finally figure out that we have been   how that agenda works in Afrikan
          is and what is possible in the future.   paying lip-service to many of our   countries through loans, debts, and
          They must have that which their    issues. We prefer talking about them   threats, which makes me wonder
          life or lives are anchored on and for   like bunch of buzzing bees but   whether our Afrikan governments
          which they live and build daily. The   when it’s time for each one to lay   are aware of such an agenda and
          various past decisions and mistakes   down their pride, ego, self-servic-  how the very loans they so much
          of our leaders and even of our-    ing, greed for power and the many   crave are the very tool that the west
          selves as citizens are always before   other things that undermine unity,   is using to keep Afrika and Afrikans
          our faces and they keep undermin-  we suddenly remember that we are   down.
          ing our progress because we don't   sovereign nations and independent
          own up to them and do all to stop   Afrikan people. We are together as   In chapter 15 of the book, a con-
          the recurrences of the same.       the African Union when it's time to   versation occurred between the
                                             sit in our fine seats in Addis Ababa   author John Perkins and a Saudi
          Personally, I feel that for there to   and we waste time talking about   diplomat.
          be real development based on true   peace and unity, but at our respec-
          daily living out, there must be an   tive national borders, we behave   “In 1974, a diplomat from Sau-
          accurate match between the past,   like ruthless warlords towards our   di Arabia showed me photos of
          the present and the future. Take for   Afrikan brothers and sisters. We   Riyadh, the capital of his country.
          example the issue of unity among   certainly do not have a point of   Included in these photos was a herd
          Afrikans both at home in the con-  reference for our unity and a central   of goats rummaging among piles
          tinent and in the diaspora. There is   point of focus for our growth and   of refuse outside a government
          a constant call for Afrikans to unite   thus a present culture that births   building. When I asked the diplomat
          and be one people again; which is   true liberty and true development is   about them, his response shocked
          a most beautiful thing that could   lacking.                          me. He told me that they were the
          happen with this continent. But the                                   city’s main garbage disposal system.
          question is this, is it really possible   But do we really not have a point   “No self-respecting Saudi would
          to have a united Afrika? Well, I   of reference for our unity? Well   ever collect trash,” he said. “We
          think it’s possible BUT only if we   I think we do but not as a central   leave it to the beasts.”
          do what is required to make it so.   point of reference that was binding   These sentiments were also shared

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 12 | MAY/JUNE  2021    11
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