Page 88 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 12
P. 88

          Health &

          18 Reasons

          not to take the Covid-19 vaccine

          Chioma Phillips

                   here are various peo-     local flavor, well – because.      2. It is deadly, people are dying!!!
                   ple publishing lists of   Christian had this to say in his orig-  3. Stay indoors, stay away from peo-
                   reasons why they won’t    inal article: “Knowing how conten-  ple, wear a mask, and sanitize your
          Tbe taking the covid-19            tious this issue is, part of me would   hands and surfaces!!!
          vaccine, each list means something   rather just write about something   4. The ONLY solution is we are
          deeply personal to the author and   else, but I feel like the discussion/  creating a vaccine then your lives
          each carries its own weight. One   news is so one-sided that I should   can go back to normal.
          article in particular, written by a   speak up. As I always strive to do, I   5. You will/may be required to carry
          gentleman by the name of Christian   promise to do my best to be lev-  a vaccine passport to prove you got
          Elliot called 18 Reasons I Won’t Be   el-headed and non-hysterical. I'm   it in order to access certain facilities,
          Getting the Covid Vaccine, that is   not here to pick a fight with anyone,   services, countries and so on.
          being published and republished on   just to walk you through some of
          various websites and being shared   what I've read, my lingering ques-  ANY attempt to suggest other solu-
          on platforms here and there. Even   tions, and explain why I can't make   tions or options has been met with
          one site that supports vaccines, in   sense of these covid vaccines.”  the usual weapons:
          general, shared it and said that he                                   1. Scoffing and ridicule.
          makes very good points. On the     I like that. You know, a major prob-  2. Discrediting of sources or solu-
          other hand, there are those who are   lem with the way this covid pandem-  tions.
          saying he ignored some facts, calling   ic has been handled across the world   3. Censorship or other unknown
          some of what he said untrue and    is the general lack of open and    tactics to make solutions or infor-
          the usual pushback one who has     honest dialogue, feedback and input   mation about them disappear.
          been following the vaccine dialogue   from people with varied viewpoints,   4. Maximization of the ‘approved
          has come to expect over time.      technical and scientific knowledge,   narrative’ through every media
          Reading his article was partly behind   ideas and solutions. Instead, there   channel, international NGO head
          the inspiration for a recent YouTube   has been one very focused and con-  and government official possible.
          video we did where we laid out the   sistent narrative allowed around the
          different issues that we found to   world – odd in a world so diverse –   It’s ironic because the world keeps
          be quite weighty. We didn’t capture   that has been:                  talking about diversity and inclusion,
          everything he said, but we added a                                    innovation, use of conventional and
          few things to it and we added some   1. There is a pandemic!!!        non-conventional remedies, free-

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