Page 89 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 12
P. 89
dom of speech and movement, right to make viral vaccines in the past 6: NO LONG-TERM SAFETY
to self-determination, freedom of that ended in utter failure, which is TESTING
information, informed choice and why we did not have a coronavirus Obviously, with products that have
on and on but then turns around vaccine in 2020. ... never before only been on the market a few
and swats everyone who believes has any attempt to make a corona- months, we have no long-term
they live in a free society with their virus vaccine been successful, nor safety data.
‘giant flywhisk of justice’. has the gene-therapy technology In other words, we have no idea
that is mRNA "vaccines" been what this product will do in the
I present to you Christian’s list – safely brought to market, but hey, body months or years from now--
greatly summarized by me (full since they had billions of dollars in for ANY population.
length here it is a critical read and government funding, I'm sure they
contains all the links he referenced figured that out. 7: NO INFORMED CONSENT
to create it. Makes for a really great Except they don't know if they What most who are taking the
deep dive): have... vaccine don't know is that because
these products are still in clinical
1: VACCINE MAKERS ARE IM- 4: THE "DATA GAPS" SUB- trials, anyone who gets the shot is
MUNE FROM LIABILITY MITTED TO THE FDA BY now part of the clinical trial.
The only industry in the world that THE VACCINE MAKERS They are part of the experiment.
bears no liability for injuries or When vaccine makers submitted Those (like me) who do not take it,
deaths resulting from their products, their papers to the FDA for the are part of the control group.
are vaccine makers. First estab- Emergency Use Authorization
lished in 1986 with the National (Note: An EUA is not the same as 8: UNDER-REPORTING OF
Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, and a full FDA approval), among the ADVERSE REACTIONS AND
reinforced by the PREP Act, vaccine many "Data Gaps" they reported DEATH
makers cannot be sued, even if was that they have nothing in their According to a study done by
they are shown to be negligent. The trials to suggest they overcame that Harvard (at the commission of our
covid-vaccine makers are allowed pesky problem of Vaccine En- own government), less than 1% of
to create a one-size-fits-all product, hanced Disease. all adverse reactions to vaccines are
with no testing on sub-populations They simply don't know--i.e. they actually submitted to the National
(i.e. people with specific health have no idea if the vaccines they've Vaccine Adverse Events Reports
conditions), and yet they are unwill- made will also produce the same System (VAERS).
ing to accept any responsibility for cytokine storm (and deaths) as pre- While the problems with VAERS
any adverse events or deaths their vious attempts at such products. have not been fixed, at the time of
products cause. There is no data to suggest safety or this writing VAERS reports over
efficacy regarding: 2,200 deaths from the current covid
2: THE CHECKERED PAST Anyone younger than age 18 or vaccines, as well as close to 60,000
OF THE VACCINE COMPA- older than age 55 adverse reactions.
NIES Pregnant or lactating mothers "VAERS data released today showed
The four major companies who are Auto-immune conditions 50,861 reports of adverse events
making these covid vaccines are/ Immunocompromise(d) individuals following COVID vaccines, includ-
have either: No data on transmission of covid ing 2,249 deaths and 7,726 serious
1. Never brought a vaccine to No data on preventing mortality injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and
market before covid (Moderna and from covid March 26, 2021."
Johnson & Johnson). No data on duration of protection And those numbers don't include
2. Are serial felons (Pfizer, and from covid (what is currently) 578 cases of
Astra Zeneca). Bell's Palsy.
3. Are both (Johnson & John- 5: NO ACCESS TO THE RAW
Would you like to see the raw data STOP TRANSMISSION OR
3: THE UGLY HISTORY OF that produced the "90% and 95% INFECTION
ATTEMPTS TO MAKE CORO- effective" claims touted in the news? Wait, what?
NAVIRUS VACCINES Me too... Aren't these vaccines supposed to
There have been many attempts But they won't let us see that data. be what we've been waiting for to