Page 93 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 12
P. 93
was “designed” to INSTILL and group of global leaders. Notice to break away from this “foolish
maintain fear and insecurities with how when in the company of their ARISTOCRATIC/CLASS-ISM
the end result of SERVITUDE. “white” superiors they act in a de- pact”, they resort to eliminating
meaning, capitulated and servile that person as they probably did to
So, we have to ask WHY is it that manner. the president of Tanzania. (John
despite the fact that this Western Perkins in his book, mentioned ear-
“Tactic” is so well known and Thus, the truth remains, by virtue lier, explains their “tactics” better).
“old” yet it manages to succeed of their education, habits, pre-sup-
ALL THE TIME? positions and Eurocentric cultural THE SOLUTION: (Just some as
conditioning, African “Leaders” there are many)
The answer is complex but we can CAN NOT (and probably will not)
scratch away at the surface to help help Africa develop as they are only Genuine change can only come
us get a glimpse of the problem and players in a game that was con- from the Younger Generation:
how to address it: structed by “others” and their role
is merely that of SERVITUDE BUT they can only achieve change
THE CONUNDRUM: Fear and and SURVEILLANCE “compli- if they are a) Trained b) Understand
the dissemination of the “thought” ance” janitors for the West. the NEED for change and c) Are
of fear: knowledgeable and skilled enough
Therefore, ONLY the “PEOPLE” to produce change.
For those who can only think- can HELP THE PEOPLE in
inside-the-box, FEAR of the AFRICA so the focus needs to be Think with me for a moment: In the
known “unknown” is a tactic that towards the PEOPLE largely the 90’s I recall the Apartheid Terrorist
helps to keep them “in-line”. Those younger generation. But I shall South African Government had
who think-inside-the-box are address the issue of leaders in the a strong philosophical saying that
groomed to stay inside the box. solution section later which hopeful- went like this: “Cut off the head of
ly will make sense then. the snake and the snake (organiza-
The overwhelming, past and pres- tion) dies” This was a very strong
ent, majority of African “leaders” One final thing I should point out (and to this day still is) widely-held
have long been groomed (via their about this groomed and self-as- tried and tested military/clandestine
educational content, habits, cribed leadership special group/ operations “belief”. But let us do
pre-suppositions and Eurocentric class is that the ones at the bottom a little THINKING-OUTSIDE-
cultural conditioning) to only of the ladder (i.e. The African lead- THE-BOX:
think-inside-the-box as they do not ers) are not only stooges but also
have the mental capacity to ‘Think- very “ruthless” stooges towards Now imagine for a moment that
OUTSIDE-the-Box’. their own kind as they are the ones this “snake” was actually a mythical
who are more committed to dis- “MEDUSA” where it had multiple
You see, the Eurocentric human play loyalty to this self-illusion” heads and could grow another one
construct of “Leadership” is such leadership “CLASS” of people at any given moment! Now you see
that it creates an air of illusion in who sit at the upper echelons of that staunch clandestine operations
the “minds” of those that fill those the class and as such they use the “Belief” would cease to hold value.
positions as they have been taught/ means/tools (Western modern
groomed to believe that, by virtue internal technical warfare tools The sad truth is, it has been BE-
of being “leaders”, that they are a of state oppression) at their CAUSE NO AFRICAN so-called
member of a “SPECIAL” group/ disposal to perpetually force the leader RECOGNIZED that
class of humans and as such they masses into perpetual SERVI- “A” (singular) Leader was THE
often “ACT” accordingly with false TUDE. PROBLEM and as such they had
airs of grandeur. a DUTY to ensure that virtually
Thus, African leaders CANNOT EVERY BOY and GIRL on the
Even when (as in the case of the help Africa (and should not be AFRICAN soil possessed leader-
African country leaders) they are “expected” to do so either) as they ship CAPABILITIES so that they
visibly no better positioned than are also part of the problem could SWITCH one for another
being the “janitors” of the very hence why, when you find one that instantly, hence why that clan-
“class” of the self-labelled special does not want to play ball or wants destine “MYTH” (as it is really a