Page 90 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 12
P. 90
"go back to normal"? changed how deaths are reported. So what did the Fauci-led NIAID
Nope. Why now, are we reporting everyone do?
Why do you think we're getting all who dies with covid in their body, They pivoted and outsourced the
these conflicting messages about as having died of covid, rather than gain-of-function research (in coro-
needing to practice social distancing the co-morbidities that actually took naviruses no less) to China--to the
and wear masks AFTER we get a their life? tune of a $600K grant.
vaccine? Until covid, all coronaviruses (com-
The reason is because these vaccines mon colds) were never listed as the 15: THE VIRUS CONTINUES
were never designed to stop trans- primary cause of death when some- TO MUTATE
mission OR infection. one died of heart disease, cancer, Not only does the virus (like all
The primary endpoint (what the diabetes, auto-immune conditions, viruses) continue to mutate, but ac-
vaccines are meant to accomplish) is or any other major co-morbidity. cording to world-renowned vaccine
to lower your symptoms. The disease was listed as the cause developer Geert Vanden Bossche it's
Sounds like just about every other of death, and a confounding factor mutating about every 10 hours.
drug on the market right? like flu or pneumonia was listed on a How in the world are we going to
It can't stop us from spreading the separate line. keep creating vaccines to keep up
virus. To bloat the number even more, with that level of mutation?
It can't stop the virus from infecting both the W.H.O. and the C.D.C. We're not.
us once we have it. changed their guidelines such that
those who are suspected or probable 16: CENSORSHIP...AND THE
Now for the next logical question: (but were never confirmed) of hav- COMPLETE ABSENCE OF
If we're worried about asymptomat- ing died of covid, are also included SCIENTIFIC DEBATE
ic spreaders, would the vaccine not in the death numbers. How did you enjoy all those nation-
make it more likely that we are creat- ally and globally-televised, robust
ing asymptomatic spread? 13: FAUCI AND SIX OTHERS debates put on by public health of-
AT NIAID OWN PATENTS IN ficials, and broadcast simultaneously
10: PEOPLE ARE CATCHING THE MODERNA VACCINE on every major news station?
COVID AFTER BEING FULLY Thanks to the Bayh-Dole Act, Wasn't it great hearing from the best
VACCINATED government workers are allowed to minds in medicine, virology, epide-
Talk about a bummer. file patents on any research they do miology, economics, and vaccinol-
You get vaccinated and you still using tax payer funding. ogy from all over the world as they
catch covid. Tony Fauci owns over 1,000 patents, vigorously and respectfully debated
including patents being used on the things like:
11: THE OVERALL DEATH Moderna vaccine...which he ap- Lockdowns, Mask wearing, So-
RATE FROM COVID proved government funding for. cial-distancing, Vaccine efficacy and
According to the CDC's own num- In fact, the NIH (which NIAID is safety trials.
bers, covid has a 99.74% survival part of) claims joint ownership of How to screen for susceptibility to
rate. Moderna's vaccine. vaccine injury
Why would I take a risk on a prod- Therapeutics, (i.e. non-vaccine treat-
uct, that doesn't stop infection or 14: FAUCI IS ON THE HOT ment options)
transmission, to help me overcome SEAT FOR ILLEGAL GAIN- Wasn't it great seeing public health
a cold that has a .26% chance of OF-FUNCTION RESEARCH officials (who never treated anyone
killing me--actually in my age range What is "Gain-of-Function" re- with covid) have their "science"
is has about a .1% chance of killing search? questioned.
me (and .01% chance of killing my It's where scientists attempt to Wasn't it great seeing the FDA panel
kids), but let's not split hairs here.. make viruses gain functions--i.e. publicly grill the vaccine makers
make them more transmissible and in prime time as they stood in the
12: THE BLOATED COVID deadlier. hot-seat of tough questions about
DEATH NUMBERS Sounds at least a touch unethical, products of which they have no
Something smells really funny about right? liability?
this one. How could that possibly be helpful? Oh, didn't see those
Never before in the history of death Our government agreed, and debates?
certificates has our own government banned the practice. No, you didn't...because they never
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