Page 94 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 12
P. 94


          self-amputating myth) constantly   totally inadequate and to make mat-  etary systems, or probably team-
          held true and many of the so-called   ters worse the delivery was very au-  work and create organized teams
          leaders ended up losing their own   thoritarian and lacking human care,   that could find, unearth and refine
          lives eventually when they opposed   as the teachers never truly CARED   raw materials, then create techni-
          the status quo. Thus, if a snake has   for the future or wellbeing of  the   cal and industrial TOOLS so that
          multiple re-growing heads, simply   kids (and sadly this holds true today   they - in turn - could turn them into
          cutting ONE off will NOT help      in many places I later visited in Afri-  finished manufactured goods for
          you destroy the organization.      ca as an adult).                   both production and consumption.
                                                                                Now let us further imagine that at
          When I went back to Africa in      With conditions like that the chil-  this age these kids could teamwork
          1972, as a child, the very first thing   dren had NO fair chance or future.   to create defense systems for their
          I noticed was state/institutional   Then add to that my own secondary   continent.  In fact, that these kids
          encouraged SERVITUDE and           school direct experiences in Af-   had the mental capacity to devise
          AUTHORITARIANISM, where            rica that were no better. I guess I   scientific tests that could be applied
          school authorities were directed to   was in a well-balanced position to   to virtually anything in society: from
          virtually force primary school and   take notes because I had attended   testing tools, medicines, earth-
          secondary school kids out on the   primary school (Kender Primary     quakes, rain/weather predictions
          streets to line up “waiting” and wave   School, London) and part second-  etc. Imagine these kids all able to be
          “flags” at presidential or govern-  ary school till third year in the UK   self-sufficient in food/agriculture
          ment motorcades of fast/zooming    so I guess that helped my thinking   production.
          presidential limousine convoy of   process greatly when it came then to
          cars to make the “wanna-be” new    analyzing what I was seeing in Africa   Furthermore, let us imagine where
          African Elites “FEEL” good about   at the time.                       these kids had the fortitude of UNI-
          themselves. All that the past govern-                                 TY and understood that selling their
          ment rulers were doing was FOL-    So let us imagine a scenario where   souls was a very unethical thing to
          LOWING in the FOOTSTEPS            an African kid, at the AGE OF 12,   do and thus, they all had the mental
          of their COLONIAL MASTERS,         was capable of discerning between   and emotional strength for abstain-
          as many of the “NASTIES” of        “Primary data, Secondary data and   ing from collaborating with alien
          COLONIAL rule were INTEN-          Tertiary data”, and could easily   outsiders to sabotage and harm their
          TIONALLY LEFT in place and         prepare a research paper while     own kind.
          many (such as the creation of clan-  possessing the skills to technically
          destine organizations to terrorize   set up their own home computer   Just imagine a new generation of
          and keep in check the local popula-  lab for self-practice. Yes! Imagine a   African kids teamworking and
          tion) enhanced.                    primary school kid that could form   interacting “STATELESS-LY” in a
                                             harmonious and functional teams    structured manner with each other
          No president put in place (let alone   with classmates and collaboratively   in daily life...what a wonderful sight
          monitored) a structure to ensure   manage small to medium projects    that would be!
          that EVERY CHILD developed         together. A primary school kid that
          LEADERSHIP qualities. SER-         enjoyed taking things apart, studying   The sad (and simple) truth is the
          VITUDE was ALL the so-called       them and putting them back togeth-  ONLY REASON WHY THEY
          “leaders” CARED for.               er again, but doing so after enhanc-  CANNOT DO IT is simply BE-
                                             ing them.                          CAUSE THEY WERE NEVER
          In fact, just before my 17th birthday,                                TAUGHT TO DO IT!
          I got an opportunity to teach in a   Now let us further imagine an
          primary school (then called “Ig-   African kid at AGE 18 that had     You see UNITY is not something
          uobazuwa” Primary School where     the capabilities to draft research   people “preach” on stage while get-
          my father, using his influence, got   questionnaires and could conduct   ting excited by cheering crowds nor
          me a sort of “holiday” job) for two   field research. Imagine that these   is it something we should be singing
          months before I headed off for un-  kids could develop programming    in songs etc. UNITY is something
          dergraduate studies. Even at age 17,   languages and design functional sys-  YOU TEACH.
          I noticed, sadly, that “everything”   tems. Let us further imagine these
          was wrong as the standard was very   same kids knew how to construct   The present-day technology is often
          poor, the educational content was   value systems such as financial mon-  used by the EVILdoers to force the

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