Page 95 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 12
P. 95


          masses into SERVITUDE and to       the tasks trusted to them without   Hang in there and stay strong.
          impose SURVEILLANCE measures       corrupt practices.
          on them so as to maintain the subtle                                  Peace,
          HUMAN CONSTRUCT control            Technology is just a set of TOOLS;   Idris
          mechanism known as the “STATE”.    it is MOTIVE and WILL that deter-
          Virtually all so-called political   mine its outcome and use as either
          leaders who have grown with        EVIL or GOOD.
          Eurocentric culturally conditioned
          pre-suppositions have deeply rooted   AFRICA has a lot to TEACH the
          in them numerous pre-assump-       world about being HUMAN but it
          tions that they have never dared to   has to go back to its ROOTS and
          “QUESTION” and as such have        understand HOW the people lived
          never, nor will ever QUESTION the   in harmony in STATELESSNESS
          SYSTEM they inherited from their   and using those lessons (the useful
          colonial masters, let alone question   stuff …any negative stuff can be
          the “STATE” as an apparatus of     ignored) learned to structure out a
          societal governance.               new way forward.

          However, that same TECHNOL-        Only when the younger generation,
          OGY, when properly designed/       en masse, are TAUGHT many of
          deployed to do so, can be used in   these values and ways to IMPROVE
          REVERSE to MASS EDUCATE            their own existence, then Africa can
          (and to some extent Re-Educate)    truly stand FREE and self-suffi-
          the people as instead of using it for   cient.
          EVIL it can be used for GOOD.      As we speak there is really NO
                                             AFRICAN - as what you have is
          For example, right now they point   a Ghanaian, a Nigerian, a Kenyan,
          cameras for surveillance towards   a Tanzanian, a Malian, a South
          the “people” (the ruled) when those   African etc. (by products of Bis-
          same cameras are supposed to be    marck’s Africa); what is needed is to
          pointed at the RULING CLASS to     TEACH being an AFRICAN (an
          ensure for example that any politi-  AFRICAN is NOT a GHANIAN
          cian that is claimed to be democrat-  or a NIGERAN or a SOMALIAN
          ically “Elected” BY the PEOPLE     etc. it is simply an AFRICAN) and
          in a supposed “Democracy” is       to also teach all the SKILLS and
          TRANSPARENT in their day-to-       KNOW HOW they need to both
          day activities and is not indulging in   survive and protect themselves and
          corrupt practices.                 their continent  against the tyranny
                                             of hostile enemies outside Africa
          The PUBLIC is not supposed to be   and all their various tricks and ways
          voting people into office only for   of manipulation.
          the people THEY voted in to then
          start oppressing them or spying on   Keep up the good work but do
          them (it is the other way round).  your best to understand that UNI-
                                             TY is a TAUGHT value not a
          How you use TECHNOLOGY is a        preached or singalong value and
          matter of INTENT, as cameras in    only when we can figure out ways
          every public government building   to TEACH THE CHILDREN
          and police office or organizational   en masse, can we then guarantee
          building should be the norm to en-  AFRICA’S FUTURE as everything
          sure these people that are supposed   else is just fighting bushfires and not
          to be PUBLIC OFFICERS are          dealing with below - the root causes.
          TRANSPARENT and are doing

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