Page 91 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 12
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          happened.                          ment. In particular, no one shall
                                             be subjected without his free      Item two of the code reads (again
          17: THE WORLD'S LEADING            consent to medical or scientific   with my emphasis):
          VACCINOLOGIST IS SOUND-            experimentation.”
          ING THE ALARM...                                                      The experiment should be such as
          When someone who is very pro-vac-  That was derived from the Nurem-   to yield fruitful results for the good
          cine, who has spent his entire     berg Code – the one which was      of  society, unprocurable by other
          professional career overseeing the   created in 1947 as a result of the   methods or means of  study, and
          development of vaccines, is shout-  trials of the Nazi doctors who    not random and unnecessary in
          ing from the mountaintops that we   had performed evil and abhorrent   nature.
          have a major problem, I think the   experiments on prisoners. That code
          man should be heard.               which has become a critical docu-  Considering that the Food & Drug
          Geert Vanden Bossche, explains:    ment in medical ethics in research.  Administration of the US considers
          Why the covid vaccine may be put-                                     an Emergency Use Authorization to
          ting so much pressure on the virus   Item one of the code reads (with my   also include (my emphasis):
          that we are accelerating it's ability to   emphasis):
          mutate and become more deadly.                                        “…the use of unapproved medical
          Why the covid vaccines may be cre-  The voluntary consent of the hu-  products, or unapproved uses of
          ating vaccine-resistant viruses (simi-  man subject is absolutely essential.  approved medical products in an
          lar to anti-biotic resistant bacteria).   This means that the person involved   emergency to diagnose, treat, or
          Why, because of previous problems   should have legal capacity to give   prevent serious or life-threatening
          with Antibody Dependent En-        consent; should be so situated as to   diseases or conditions when certain
          hancement, we may be looking at a   be able to exercise free power of    statutory criteria have been met,
          mass casualty event in the next few   choice, without the intervention   including that there are no adequate,
          months/years.                      of any element of  force, fraud,   approved, and available alternatives.”
                                             deceit, duress, overreaching, or
          18: I ALREADY HAD COVID            other ulterior form of  constraint   This really makes me wonder why
          I didn't enjoy it.                 or coercion; and should have suf-  there was so much noise being made
          In my body, and my household,      ficient knowledge and compre-      against HCQ, Ivermectin and Arte-
          covid is over.                     hension of  the elements of the    mesia Annua in the early days when
                                             subject matter involved as to enable   it would have been very possible to
          That's his list... now to continue   him to make an understanding and   simply look at their effectiveness
          with our conversation...           enlightened decision.              and make them available for use.
          Maybe you could also consider that   This latter element requires that   After all, it was supposed to be a
          each one of these vaccines uses fetal   before the acceptance of an affir-  crisis where billions of lives were in
          cells from an aborted baby in their   mative decision by the experimen-  danger. Why invest in an unproven
          production or testing (cogforlife.  tal subject there should be made   vaccine that only reduces symp-
          org/guidance). That the govern-    known to him the nature, duration,   toms for a survivable disease when
          ment or employer or school head or   and purpose of the experiment; the   prophylaxes for the disease and
          family member who tells you to take   method and means by which it is to   treatments were actually available in
          the vaccine or else you won’t be able   be conducted; all inconveniences   the first place in already existing and
          to (insert course of action here) is   and hazards reasonably to be   approved medical products? Partic-
          asking you to give up your freedoms   expected; and the effects upon   ularly if this is all really about saving
          and has introduced an aspect of    his health or person which may     lives. Results… procurable by other
          coercion into your relationship that   possibly come from his participa-  methods or means of study and not
          goes directly against Article 7 of the   tion in the experiment.      random and unnecessary in nature.
          United Nations International Cov-  The duty and responsibility for
          enant on Civil and Political Rights   ascertaining the quality of the   Anyway, I have talked much. There’s
          which entered into force 45 years   consent rests upon each individual   much more to say, about things
          ago and which says:                who initiates, directs or engages in   people are reporting of their own
          “No one shall be subjected to      the experiment. It is a personal duty   personal experiences with the vac-
          torture or to cruel, inhuman or    and responsibility which may not be   cine… but let me leave you with that
          degrading treatment or punish-     delegated to another with impunity.  else this will become a book.

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 12 | MAY/JUNE  2021     91
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