Page 12 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 12
keep enjoying mobile phone technology, it
must have unhindered access to tantalum
from Congo. For your information, Congo
is among the world’s poorest countries.
Niger Republic and Namibia are among
the world’s top producers of uranium.
They are also among the world’s poorest.
Niger alone supplies France with the ura-
nium required to power up their nuclear
programme and power stations – gener- African Union Headquaters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
ating almost 80% of France’s electricity
via an estimated 59 nuclear plants. One
out of every three light bulbs that are lit is also among the world’s top exporter of elders meet was built by another
in France is thanks to the uranium from raw cashew nuts. In 2018, Ivory Coast set of strangers? I speak of the AU
Niger republic. However, in Niger, nearly was ranked 165 out of 189 countries on headquarters which was built by the
90% of the population has no access to the United Nations Human Development Chinese.
electricity. For France to keep growing, it Index. The Ivory Coast continues to be
must have unhindered access to uranium the world’s largest producer of cocoa, with Afrika is where she is today because
from Niger republic. an estimated 2.12 million metric tons for the “elders” were too weak morally
2020’s harvest. and in discernment to cast out the
Over 70% of the world’s cocoa is grown thieves who snuck in as strangers.
in Africa, which is exported. The world’s When will we throw out the They were too busy allowing the
chocolate business is valued at over 120 strangers and thieves in our killing of a man like Thomas Sanka-
billion dollars annually and is expected to midst? ra, who stood for something useful,
grow up to 170 billion dollars by 2024. I was at the AU headquarters in Ad- because his life raises a question
Yes, it is the cocoa from Africa that pow- dis Ababa with my wife in late 2018. about possibilities in Afrika that
ers the worlds profitable chocolate business. We were allowed to walk around the they cannot dare to answer.
For the world to keep enjoying chocolate new facility, take photos and even
and make money from it, it must have ask questions. I got very upset when It is against common sense for Af-
unhindered access to Africa’s cocoa. For we were told that the brand new rika to have all the resources listed
every 100 dollars that Africa makes from facility that we were walking around in this article and more and then
the sales of cocoa, she generates at least and admiring, was funded and built the Afrikan people be considered
50,000 dollars, not for her people, but for by the Chinese. the poorest in the world. How does
the rest of the world. that even work? And then we have
To me, that was like a huge slap on the very shameless leaders or elders
Ghana and Ivory Coast account for the face of Afrika all over again. of the Afrikan people who love
almost 70% of global cocoa bean exports. Someone may ask, “What’s the big to travel to those magical places
In 2019 alone Ghana exported around deal about China building the AU outside of Afrika, which were built
900,000 tons! Cocoa farmers in Ghana headquarters?” Well the big deal is by the very resources stolen from
receive 480 cedis (86 euro) per bag, which that, the AU headquarters is not just Afrika, while the very Afrika the
amounts to an annual income of 500 a building. In Afrikan culture, the resources came out from is nothing
euros for one hectare. Ghana earns some 2 place where elders meet and decide but an eyesore. It is a shame that
billion dollars annually from exportation the destiny of their people is not a after sixty years of self-rule and
of cocoa, while the chocolate industry, mere place, it is the place of power in 2021, our people still run to the
which depends on Ghana’s cocoa beans, and authority. It is a spiritual strong- land of their oppressors for health
earns over 120 billion dollars annually. hold that represents the people, a care.
The average life expectancy for farmers in place where elders are not afraid to
Ghana is said to be 53 years. speak the truth for the benefit of When are we going to root out the
Ivory Coast, the world’s largest cocoa their communities and not the place strangers and thieves in our midst.
producer, a former colony until ‘Indepen- of lies and falsehood that the AU It’s hard to do, I guess, especially
dence’ in 1960, has wrestled with civil headquarters has become. now that the strangers and thieves
unrest and increasing poverty rates for But the question is this, how can are the very ones we vote into pow-
years. In 2015, poverty in the Ivory Coast the thieves and strangers that have er and whose corrupt families we
was as high as 46.3 percent. Ivory coast raped our lands be stopped, when have given political immunity.
the very “town hall” where the
12 | we tell the true afrikan story