Page 51 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 51
Afrikan countries as a whole. For, can imagine. But this is cause – not share these insights, seeds and ideas.
if you look closely at the case of for misery or begging for inclusion Let’s actually eradicate these unfair
Marsabit County vs. Nairobi City from those who are determined to and tortuous borders and visas that
County, you will see that this is an control and oppress us – but for us prevent us from uniting, and create
accurate microcosm that is repre- to embrace more fully, the require- an Afrikan society that is strong.
sentative of what is really going on ment to work together to overcome
in Afrika vs. the west and east. A their strongholds. Not in the way that the New World
country in Afrika will begin to gain Order proponents are seeking to do
traction e.g., Malawi under Muthari- Of what gain is it for generations which will bring even more stran-
ka in the area of agriculture, and of Afrikans to continue living under gleholds and oppression, but in the
shortly after they gain traction, they the tyranny and oppression of the way that Afrika needs now in order
will face an occurrence that will neo-colonialist imperialist agendas to succeed.
erode most, if not all, of the gains of the west and the east? Are gen-
that were made, causing them to erations of young Afrikans destined We need phones and operating sys-
slide down to the bottom of the pit to continue as slaves in a system that tems that are not built on the limited
yet again. Like a massive game of claims that it is free? Let’s not fool operating systems that the world
snakes and ladders, where the rules ourselves, there is no liberty here. has offered us that they use secretly
were created to disfavor our people. Afrikans are an enslaved people, and overtly to monitor and control
Skewed to grant access and ‘success’ conquered by the economic apart- us. We need roads and railway lines
to those who agree to the rules that heid that controls at the same time that allow us to travel on the ground
have been set… although, truth be as it excludes us from full participa- to the north, west, east, and south
said, even for those who comply, tion in any gainful economic activi- to be a blessing to one another. We
safety is not assured. If the game- ties. And the liberty that is dangled need food and seeds from across
master has a change of heart, they before the continent of Afrika like a the continent to plant all over and
too will go sliding down the largest, carrot, will never be granted to us… support until they proliferate. Those
most slippery snake, to the pit of or if it ever is, it will prove to be as that will build our health and protect
obscurity and shame, or worse. So, poisonous as every other ‘gift’ the our immune systems. We need med-
we must live aware that it is real and west or east have given to the conti- ical practitioners with ancient wis-
it is happening. nent and the people of Afrika. dom to share this information with
each other and to teach the genera-
We must realize and understand that We need a different strategy and that tions so that we can keep our shield
the case of Marsabit’s isolation and strategy is for Afrika to turn their up. We need to ‘see’ each other in
socio-economic apartheid is actually backs to the outside world and focus the way that we have failed to in the
precisely what is going on in Afrika. on each other, for a change. For us past and to help each other succeed.
to face each other in brotherhood We need our brothers and sisters to
Kenya is experiencing the same and love. We have been treated with be able to come home from the Di-
apartheid from the people, countries the same disdain we have shown aspora and find room to share and
and organizations that it seeks to counties and regions like Marsabit implement ideas that are relevant
please, in order to negotiate and win and we have treated each other and needful. We need to remember
or to retain terms of trade or credit – nation to nation – in the same that we are Afrikan. We need our
that are relatively more favorable heartless and cruel fashion. It’s time leaders to be courageous enough
than those which other nations, to stop that. It is time to recognize to tell the truth about what’s going
even in Afrika, are getting. How- that Afrika as a whole is its own on in the world system to all their
ever, the price it pays in the terms best chance at true liberty. In each citizens and prepare them to be able
and conditions attached are so high economy lies the answers to the to withstand those evil strategies. We
that any gains it may perceive it has needs of another. Let’s trade with need to counter lie and misinforma-
attained, are actually overshadowed one another. In each nation are the tion with truth and solutions that
by the punitive requirements that people who have solutions to the actually work. We need to love each
are placed on it by those it seeks needs of other nations – let’s allow other again. We need to be Afrikan
to befriend. This is the same for each other to move freely and work and for Afrika to be Afrika. That’s
every other country in Afrika. Eco- freely with each other. In each clean, how we end economic apartheid
nomic apartheid has been levelled healthy, organic farm lies an answer and slavery and start to build again,
against us in more ways than we to the health of another nation, let’s where we left off.