Page 56 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 56

                                               Thinking that they are protecting their bodies as the most im-
          about road construction workers
          (even though I am very concerned      portant thing to them, they sentenced the next generation of
          that they are not mindful about their   humans to a yet-to-be-seen disaster. It’s like covering your head
          own health) but about how we treat     from the dust while inhaling the very dust into your lungs.
          the things that really matter to our
          lives and the lives of others.     they looked at your dog in a       allowed ourselves to believe that,
                                             certain way, will point you in the   as long as we are fine and our
          Are we protecting what             direction I am thinking. You can   family members are doing well
          really matters?                    begin from there and then spread   in our fine and expensive neigh-
          To most people, their families     your thoughts to other things in   borhoods, we really don’t care if
          are the most important thing to    your community and the way life    the others living in shanties and
          them. To some, their jobs, busi-   has turned. We are fast losing our   going to bed without food or
          nesses, religion, friends etc. are   HUMANITY, the one thing that     proper shelter. We turn a blind
          the most important. All of the     really matters.                    eye to inequality, the poverty of
          aforementioned things and much                                        others and when they rise up
          more are important, but the thing   Lots of people took the           to protest, we pick up guns to
          is, when the chips are down and    Covid-19 vaccines with all excite-  shoot them...because we can. The
          when we narrow things down o       ment, in the name of trying to     question, however, is this: after
          their barest minimum, will these   protect themselves from a disease   the shooting has been done, and
          things still matter? The answer    that is 99.9 percent survivable,   we have counted the dead and
          will definitely be different for   without thinking for one mo-       the hundreds of malls and hous-
          each one of us, and that is abso-  ment that the very vaccine that    es burnt, will we still recognize
          lutely fine. For this article is not   they were told would protect   what really matters, and by that
          also trying to tell anyone what    them from Covid-19, is the very    now sit down and really evalu-
          should be important to them,       tool for introducing the actual    ate how we got into the rot in
          but will definitely touch on what   killer and destruction of man-    our society in the first place and
          my own opinion is about what       kind into their bodies. Thinking   maybe now find lasting solutions
          matters in life.                   that they are protecting their     to our problem, which clearly is
                                             bodies, as the most important      the loss of our humanity? For
          If there is what the false pan-    thing to them, they sentenced      obviously, no one would love to
          demic has showed whoever is        the next generation of humans      be a thief and a looter and prob-
          paying attention, it is that, we   to a yet-to-be-seen disaster. It’s   ably wouldn’t, if the society was
          humans have over time lost         like covering your head from the   balanced enough to take care of
          connection to what really matters   dust, while inhaling the very dust   everyone’s needs.
          and how we relate to life and      into your lungs. The dust on your
          living. It’s like the past century or   head can be washed away with   We cannot continue to play the
          so, has been used to wash away     a good shower, but how do you      fool, covering our heads against
          both the brains and the human-     wash away that which is settled    the dust, while stuffing our lungs
          ity of many, to the point where    in your lungs and which has the    with death. In same way, we can-
          animals now enjoy more protec-     ability to stop you from breathing   not say we are trying to protect
          tion from danger than humans       in an instant? Talk about protect-  our society from riots, violence,
          do. You know what I mean, don’t    ing what really doesn’t matter.    looting etc., while in our hearts
          you? If you don’t know, maybe      The crisis going on in South       we really wish to exterminate
          you should stop wherever you       Afrika, as at the time of writing   “these people” whose skin colors
          are and make a quick review of     this article, showed something     don’t look like ours. We must
          how you treated the very last      quite familiar. Our humanity has   protect our hearts and minds for,
          person that came your way while    been thrown out of the window      out of them flows the issues and
          you were out walking your dog.     because of greed, selfishness and   things that makes like worth liv-
          Maybe the disdain in your heart    the many other evils we have       ing and eternity worth pursuing.
          towards that person, because       allowed in our lives. We have

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