Page 60 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 60
Ubuntu is not a desti- the diaspora, especially those who
tion for someone on the journey of were stolen from Afrika and who
spiritual emancipation or develop- nation for someone on are making plans to return to the
ment. Ubuntu in itself is the jour- the journey of spiritual continent. Please make sure you
ney. The concept of Ubuntu is not are clear in your mind and that you
what you achieve when you get to emancipation or devel- are very aware that the Afrika that
a particular level of spirituality, but opment. Ubuntu in it- you are planning to return to is not
a day to day lifestyle that expresses some tourist location fit for your
a heart steeped in love, selflessness, self is the JOURNEY. selfie or Youtube videos collection,
compassion and wisdom. It brings but HOME. It is home both for you
the heart of such a person seeking and for your brothers and sisters
Ubuntu with all, to the height of perspective that UA mentioned, it is who have been here while you were
seeing life from an angle that is sane, nothing but an act of irresponsibil- away. And by that I mean, as you
godly, rightoeus, holy and which ity to one’s community and cannot make plans to come, do not see your
makes men sages in the midst of be encouraged in Afrika. Why is coming as just some way of escape
other men. that? from whatever it is you have been
fighting against in the west, but as
And another thing, Ubuntu is not a We as Afrikans in the continent a realignment with your roots and
manifestation of weakness that one cannot afford to burn our societ- thus an opportunity to come build
expresses when they can no longer ies, malls, shops, communities etc., your HOME. And do not also come
deal with oppression, racism or the which all make up our Afrika. For with a mindset that you are coming
many other anti-community issues us, Afrika is home. Afrika is not a as some saviors to save the “mon-
that we see all around us. Ubuntu reminder of slavery and oppression, keys” on the continent from their
itself is the philosophy of inner but home. For when the people of backward plights. You will just look
strength, wisdom, compassion that Afrikan descent in America or any- like another set of colonialists in
can make a man think of others for where else see it as an easy thing to DARK skins. You definitely will not
good, just like he thinks of himself. burn and destroy the communities love the feedback.
Ubuntu is strength and not weak- they live in, because they have no at-
ness. It is the reconncetion back to tachment or love for them, because Peace for South Afrika
humanity and is deeply entrenched they represent the same oppressive Yes we have a lot of stuff to deal
in DIVINITY. So, you cannot speak structure they have been dealing with in Afrika, but I think the
of Ubuntu without talking about with for centuries, we cannot afford majority of the things are to be
the alignment and the harmony of to do that. And the reason is simple. dealt with in the hearts of Afrikans
Humanity and Divinity. Meaning Afrika is home to us. In fact, many themselves. If we all can live out just
that the concept of Ubuntu loses of Afrikan decsent living outside the 10 percent of what the principle of
its meaning if there is no constant continent are making very serious Ubuntu dictates “I am because we
bridge between that which is seen moves to RETURN back to where all are”, then we won’t even need to
(Humanity) and that which is not they call HOME in Afrika. The deal with issues of society from the
seen (Divinity). For as it is above, so question is this, is it a burnt home or place of wars, violence, riots, looting
must it be below; which in itself is streets of ashes they want to return and burning of stuff. For all will be
the realignment with Ma’at: the har- to? I am sure the answer is no. alligned with their HUMANITY,
mony and the balance of LIFE. So DIVINITY and by that, Ubuntu
I understand what UA means when My advice and Ma’at will hold our societies
he speaks of Ubuntu as what is not I want to quickly share this advice together.
attainable unless one is advanced with our brothers and sisters in
spiritually, esecially when one sees Watch Video Here
it as attainment in the future rather
than as a daily reality. But spiritu-
ality and its advacenment is not a
destination. It’s a continuing process
in a journey.
Concerning the issue of looting
and burning, especially from the
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