Page 59 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 59
called ‘new’ leaders were, your heart UA: I appreciate your response and MATV: It’s not a small thing. But
can break. Particularly in the cases your maternal nurturing approach(as we will whittle away at every unho-
of Kenya and South Africa, the opposed to my rudeness). This is ly foundation until the structures
colonisers and the former apartheid a difficult issue to resolve and not based on them collapse in on them-
tormentors KNEW that it was the one person’s opinion is absolutely selves. Thank you for this conversa-
moment when they would have to correct. Good to know we share tion, it has been enriching.
give everything back. No discussion, the same facts about the issue. I will
no argument but a deal was struck. say that though burning and looting UA
We’re dealing with people in power definitely soils the spirit and may be Yes. And we will rebuild in the spirit
who are now implementing unfavor- the result of manipulation, here in of Kujichagulia, which encompasses
able terms and heaping them on our the u.s. there is not much ownership Ubuntu. peace and love. Asante sana
heads using the system to legitimize of successful businesses(by design).
it. Against that, divided, we cannot therefore there is no real attachment My thoughts
make headway. Together, we can to those enterprises except for satis- There are lots of points to pick and
find a way. There’s no difference faction of biological needs or some open more in the various things
between grabbing land and holding societal requirement. But there is no that UA shared, but one thing that
on to it for generations and looting love for them because they repre- keeps popping out for me is this
from a mall and holding on to the sent the same oppressive structure statement:
items as if they are your right. we have been dealing with for centu- “You seem to be hyper concerned about
ries. Exploitation, inequity, crappy South Africa’s adherence to Ubuntu.
Those who stole from us and mur- food, materialism, money prioritiza- Ubuntu is a great concept, an Afrikan
dered our people should know this tion, reduced or nonexistent ability Indigenous mindset, but it is an aspiration-
and know what example they set to advance due to discrimination, al goal achievable, in my opinion, when one
for their young ones and those who hyper focused on our whereabouts, is spiritually advanced.”...
are robbing and killing now should etc.. And in a way, maybe this ex-
know the same thing. How do we pression is a subconscious rejection “I will say that though burning and looting
fix this? Hearts, mindsets all round of western culture, even if there are definitely soils the spirit and may be the
and redressing the wrongs from the food insecurities and other negative result of manipulation, here in the U.S.
perspective of our common human- consequences as a result. Maybe he there is not much ownership of successful
ity and failings. That’s one way. feels the little he and his communi- businesses(by design), therefore there is no
ty has is not worth maintaining if real attachment to those enterprises except
The truth is that, what we are seeing oppression and corruption and the for satisfaction of biological needs or some
right now is deadly deep as it has mandatory disavowing of his own societal requirement. But there is no love
its foundation in many generations soul and spirit comes along with it. for them because they represent the same
before now, both from the side of Maybe these are cries of their pain oppressive structure we have been dealing
what has been over the decades and and they are demanding a new way, with for centuries. exploitation, inequity,
what is being done now. For the cur- but the leaders are not listening. Is it crappy food, materialism, money priori-
rent issue of burning and looting, understandable for a person to lash tization, reduced or nonexistent ability
it will take individual choices not to out when she is in pain that was un- to advance due to discrimination, hyper
allow themselves be used to destroy justly inflicted upon her? It may not focused on our whereabouts, etc..“
their communities. But for the big- be in the spirit of Ubuntu but it is
ger issues of land, inequity, racism natural and understandable. Ask any Imagine I had never before this con-
and the likes, that has been for human who is not Afrikan and is versation thought about the reason
generations, it will take some serious dealing with their “own kind”. Peace why people burn things or their
but firm government policies to and love my Queen and thank you society from the point of view that
correct those wrongs and bring rep- for taking the time to respond. It UA shared. But, before I talk about
arations. But while the man on the means a lot to me to communicate that, let me quickly look at the issue
street cannot make those policies, with a person like you from the con- of Ubuntu that he also mentioned.
he can at least allow the heart of tinent. Thank you for staying true to
Ubuntu stop him from destroying the spirit of Indigenous Afrika. We From the get go, let me say that,
the little he and his community have. should only hope our girls grow up Ubuntu as a state of existence which
What do you think? to be like you. Asante sana. has its root from the indegenous
people of Afrika, is not a destina-