Page 55 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 55


                                                                                   Samuel Phillips

                                                                                      writer, podcaster, photographer,
                                                                                          songwriter and singer.
                                                                                As a content creator, he is passionate about
                                                                                    creating a better image and positive

                                                                                         narrative about Afrika.

             Protect What Really Matters


               n my neighborhood, a major    about the road construction, it’s   also noticed that, while they all had
               road construction project     more about what I observed while   their heads covered, none of them
               has been going on for quite a   watching the men working, and    was wearing a dust mask, to pro-
          Iwhile now. The progress on        how  what they did is an indication   tect themselves from inhaling the
          the work is quite amazing and things   of how we do not pay attention to   massive clouds of dust in which
          are quickly taking shape.          protect what really matters.       they were working. I found that
          If you know Marsabit quite well,                                      quite surprising and the only reason
          you will know that road construc-  As I stood on the balcony of my    why I was surprised was I could not
          tion will, without any doubt create   apartment looking at these men   understand how it made sense for
          a huge lot of dust for that   working in the hot sun, with dust   these guys to think that protecting
          matter, because of the dusty desert   all around them like red clouds, I   their heads from the dust, while
          nature of the land. Such dust that   noticed that all of them had their   leaving their lungs at the mercy of
          can instantly turn your fine wall   heads covered with marvins, to    the clouds of dust they were breath-
          painting into something “very dra-  prevent dust from settling on them.   ing in was quite inconceivable for
          matic”. But this article is not really   That’s quite ok if you ask me. I   me. But like I said, this article is not

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 14 | AUGUST 2021        55
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