Page 58 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 58
Afrikan Indigenous Cultures have
value and let us begin to reincor-
porate more of it, as we re-orient
ourselves, restore our health and
determine our Afri-centric course
toward the future. Kujichagulia.
No disrespect my Queen, just
wanted to add my perspective to the
discourse. Thank you for showing us
the videos and sharing your insid-
er’s information on the subject. We
need this information in this Afrikan
news desert here in the US. If my
facts are incorrect and concepts are
Cleaning on the streets of South Afrika after riots off, please let me know. Love Msingi
Afrika. Asante sana.
Difficult to be spiritually advanced harmony, as we can clearly see now.
when an anti-Afrikan social order As Afrikans we must adhere to our MATV: Great to hear from you UA.
is imposed on you and kicking your devotion to naturalness and not do Your feedback is most welcome.
rear end and a small minority is something that is unnatural, unless
reaping most of the benefits of the it is a proven method or tool to help You know, when you’re dealing with
imposed system. One cannot expect return the body to optimum health, a multilayered multi generational
a person to run a marathon after the like wearing a cast on a broken leg. problem like apartheid or colonial-
hyper-extending of the knee. The Restricting motion and reducing ism or even slavery it’s often chal-
physical trauma must be dealt with weight on the leg, temporarily, is lenging to know where to start to
first. In my opinion, it was a mistake unnatural but necessary to restore pick up the pieces from. The core
to simply let the “former” apart- health. The “former” apartheidists place, I believe, is the heart and
heid beneficiaries admit their wrong were relatively unrestricted and mind. If you can settle that, remind
doings and then allow them to go maintained pressure or weight on people who they are and what their
on their merry way. Many atroc- the majority after the majority was nature is based on retracing the lines
ities were committed during that severely traumatized. This was not and streams of identity to the days
horrible period and a commiserate the appropriate course of action pre-trauma, it can help refocus one
response was in order. There should and probably the result of years of on their rebuilding priorities, their
have been long prisons sentences, Eurocentric brainwashing. We have standard of justice, their measure
executions, expulsions, the returning to get back to addressing the core of humanity and help recalibrate
of all the land to the indigenous issues and come up with a solution - if you will - the course they were
peoples as well as total control over that is beneficial and satisfactory for on before being brutally disrupted.
institutions, infrastructure and terri- the majority of Indigenous people, That’s one thing.
tory. after a similar ordeal, this type the true inheritors of the land, even
of remedy would have happened if the solution is offensive to the Wading through all the evils is
in Europe and more(including a West. Why must we always accom- hard. When you look at Afrika now
lopsided treaty). The fact that the modate them? Are we not worthy of and take for example what they
minority agreed to this shows they adequate accommodation? And do did with the land in South Afrika,
are not friends, for friends would we really need to continue operating Kenya and Zimbabwe, as a few
insist they be treated the way they and living under a western system examples, with respect to restoring
themselves prefer to be treated. this when no Afrikan country has ever or rather not restoring the land to
South Africa rainbow nation stuff is been successful in it and it is clearly the indigenous peoples when they
nice to speak about or ponder but it anti-Afrikan? Stop allowing them to had both opportune moment (at
was too soon to implement. obvi- control our talents and frame our independence or when Mandela
ously there were too many unre- potential, and let’s stop speaking in was freed) and yet they did not take
solved issues for the country to just Western terms and using Euro-cen- those chances... And then you find
move on and expect oneness and tric metrics to judge ourselves. Our out just how compromised the so-
58 | we tell the true afrikan story