Page 57 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 57




                                                 Samuel Phillips

                     n the 19th of July,     if they are made by reasonable and   are no longer concerned about Our
                     2021, we uploaded a     clear-minded people of goodwill.   reputation or confirming the west’s
                     video on our Msingi                                        narrative of Us. That reputation and
         OAfrika Tv YouTube                  When we uploaded the video, an     that narrative is based on the violent
          channel, about what we think of    Afrikan brother from the US made   imposition of a toxic culture and
          the issues going on in South Afrika   a comment which became a con-   if someone does not realize that,
          and how we believe that the way of   versation that was an eye-opener   it simply means they are ignorant
          Ubuntu could be a better choice for   for us and also a wisdom path for   and/or deficient in their compre-
          how to go forward. As usual, we    him. The link to the video will be at   hension. Who comes out “smelling
          expected feedback and comments     the end of this article, so you can   like roses” and in pristine condition
          from our viewers.                  watch it for context, but below is   after being brainwashed and horri-
                                             the conversation we had. I will use   bly traumatized for decades? Not in
          The thing about comments on        his initials.                      Europe or anywhere else.
          YouTube is that, sometimes, they
          can discourage you from even doing   UA: Forgive the long comment     You seem to be hyper concerned
          the next video, if they are toxic, or   my Queen and if you elect not to   about South Africa’s adherence to
          they can energize or even show you   read, I will understand. We have   Ubuntu. Ubuntu is a great concept,
          other perspectives you have not    no public outlet to speak frankly   an Afrikan Indigenous mindset, but
          considered about the subject matter   about this here in the U.S. so your   it is an aspirational goal achievable,
          or even about other things outside   channel has been volunteered as the   in my opinion, when one is spiritual-
          of the subject matter of the video,   venue to get this off my chest.  We   ly advanced.

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 14 | AUGUST 2021        57
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