Page 61 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 61
Cover Story
Things Will Come Together
Samuel Phillips
ith all of the various the Afrikan people, who have borne ry their global domination agenda to
events going on in the pain of much loss over many its fullness. This has been one reason
our world, including generations. why Afrika has been in the backward
Win Afrika, it’s quite spin she has been in for decades,
easy to fall into some kind of despair, It is very easy to see that the entire just so that she remains the “farm”
with the tendency to give up on life world is under some stress or the where the nations of the world get
and even think that our purpose and other, and largely so not because it the resources for their advancement
destiny as individuals or a people has anything to do directly with the at the expense of growth for Afrika.
have gone beyond coming to pass. will of God for the nations of the And, we also now know that when
But the thing is, all things will come earth, but mainly because a group of any of the leaders in Afrika rise up
together for our good in due time people who called themselves global- to challenge the narrative, they are
if we just step out of our own way. ists and who by their various arms killed. We cannot turn a blind eye
This particular message is for Cam- of control of various sectors of the to the deaths of the Presidents of
eroon but it’s also about Afrika and global space, are determined to car- Haiti, Tanzania, Burundi etc., and