Page 65 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 65

Art & Culture

                                             and pack the earth with jumping
                                             and stomping movements. Along
                                             with being a powerful expression
                                             of emotion, the dance also serves a
                                             practical purpose. The Igogo is dif-
                                             ferent from the Mbira dance of the
                                             Shona people of Zimbabwe which
                                             is used to summon ancestors, honor
                                             death anniversaries and seek guid-
                                             ance in tribal and family disputes.
                                             The two dances differ somewhat
          NORBERT                            in purpose, but both communicate
                                             meaning in a deep manner to the

         MPOROTO                             performers and the observers, and
                                             moreover captures the unique iden-
                                             tity of both societies.
        Poet and Author from Tanzania.
        Instagram: @norbert_mporoto          I ask in soliloquy; Where is African
          Facebook: Norbert Mporoto          dance? Why are her people no lon-
                                             ger practicing it? Why is Africa no
                                             longer proud of her culture? Why is   dance, communicating one’s inner-
                                             African dance given false meaning   most being. (
                                             by her rivals and why should we    Umzansi is a warrior dance, demon-
                                             accept their ways of describing our   strating the power and passion of
                                             own dance? African dance gives     the Zulu warrior. Whatever was lost
          history, entertainment, prayers, rites   birth to warriors, African dance up-  in transition as lifestyles changed
          of passage, harvest, wedding cele-  lifts and entertain the broken souls   in South Africa and the warriors
          brations and much more. In some    and much more it portrays messages   transformed into migrant workers –
          African civilizations there are special   of victory!                 was retained in the memory of the
          authorities whose sole purpose is                                     dance and used to remind the urban
          to pass along the tribe’s traditional   What Adumu (a Maasai jumping   warriors of their true history. Again,
          dances.                            dance) communicates is a message   I ask in soliloquy “Where are the
          African dance occupies a central   of readiness. Adumu has become     strong African men whose pride is
          place in cultures throughout the   the favorite dance of tourists visit-  to conquer enemies and protect this
          African continent, embodying       ing Kenya and Northern Tanzania,   continent? Who will secure Africa’s
          energy and elegant splendor in their   but it is much more than a dance   land if rhythms of courage are left
          flowing rhythms. African dance is a   that entertains. Adumu showcases   behind? What would be the songs
          self-sufficient language which helps   the stamina and strength of the   of victory if soldiers are tricky-
          to strengthen bonds and preserve   young Moran (warriors) who are     skilled to hate African rhythms?
          cultural heritages. Through dance,   transitioning to become senior
          a community’s identity is reflected   warriors. Adumu is one part of the   When the spear says, “Kill”, the
                   (Published with permission from the governor's office)
          in the singing and the pulsating   10-day long Eunoto ceremony, the   hunting bag says, “Let’s go home!”
          musical rhythms and dance styles.   coming-of-age ritual that will also al-  We have lost the battle in the
          Through these, the entire communi-  low the Moran to choose wives and   dance field, it’s our duty to take the
          ty strengthens their bonds and keeps   begin the next phase of their lives.  hunting bag back home and learn
          alive the memory of their cultural   A dance similar to Adumu is the   to sing the African songs and dance
          wealth.                                                               the African styles once again. After
                                             Umzansi. This is the most energetic
                                             of all Zulu dances and is divided   the welcome tune has taken us to
          For example, the Igogo dance of    into a slow and fast section, the   our seats, the Kakilambe dance of
          Owo Yoruba is performed during     slow segment uses movement to      Guinea and Mali remind us of the
          burial ceremonies. During the      tell a story, while the fast one is   African fertility rituals and we are
          Igogo, young men dance over the    aggressive, powerful, full of anger   duty-bound to celebrate the next
          grave of the one being laid to rest                                   African Kings and Queens with
                                             and pride. Drums are crucial to this

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 14 | AUGUST 2021        65
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