Page 70 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 70


                                                                                of Harare, is also a well-known hub
                                                                                for these masquerade dances and
                                                                                competition there is stiff. When in
                                                                                costume the dancers have a way
                                                                                of distorting their words so as to
                                                                                communicate privately with their
                                                                                dance members and band. As they
                                                                                dance the band forms a semi-circle
                                                                                around them making room for them
           A group of  masquerade dancers                                       to use all the different tricks up
                                                                                their sleeves, to the delight of the
          males who have been appointed by   some of which draw their inspira-  spectators. A whole night can pass
          the chief of their village. Their real   tion and influence from the modern   by whilst these celebrations are in
          identities are a closely held secret   world, popular personalities and   full force, with the dancers imbib-
          and their masks, which are made of   even modern technology.          ing strong home brewed beer to lift
          wood and straw, become their new                                      their spirits for this ‘great dance’.
          public selves. The initiation into   Masquerade ceremonies and dances   Additionally, in musical videos of
          Nyau begins with a mysterious stay   are popular in the countries where   big Zim Dancehall artists such as
          of a week or more stay at a ceme-  these beliefs are held and their   “Enzo I Shall”, masquerade dancers
          tery. The Nyau are responsible for   secrets and practices are jealously   now feature more often; for this
          the initiation of young men into   guarded, despite the mixed emo-    tradition is not only mysterious but
          adulthood and they perform the     tions they evoke. It is difficult to   also eye-catching. Another big artist
          Gule Wamkulu at the end of the     look upon them now from a lens of   in Zimbabwe by the name “Baba
          initiation process. The dance is also   purity and clarity, since the waters   Harare” has a song which he sang
          performed at the request of the    surrounding these ceremonies and   in this dialect. In the video, the mas-
          leader of a particular community   rituals were rendered murky by the   querades were dancing their feet off.
          and is also carried out at funerals,   missionaries and the white coloniz-  I cannot say whether or not these
          major celebrations, weddings and   ers who called them practices ani-  Zimbabwean artists understand
          for political purposes. Former Pres-  mistic, demonic, dark practices and   the full significance of the Nyau
          ident of Malawi, Kamuzu Banda,     witchcraft. This is why many people   and Gule Wamkulu and what they
          himself a Chewa, is said to have   are fearful of them. I believe that   and their dances truly represent, or
          used the Gule Wamkulu to intimi-   just because you do not understand   whether this is another way in which
          date his opponents into submission   a people and their ways, that is not   African cultural symbolism is used
          and compliance with his wishes.    a reason to persecute them. If only   for capital gain.
                                             one could travel back in time to the
          Much like the Dogon priests, the   day they started, so that we could   Way back these masqueraders would
          Gule Wamkulu dancers act as a      to find out the truth behind their   chase people around or even beat
          bridge to communicate with the     origins and purposes.              them as they had liberty to act as
          spirit world, a practice that caused                                  they pleased, but that was then.
          much discomfort with the coloniz-  In Zimbabwe, these dances are very   Now it seems they dance for their
          ers who tried to ban it altogether.   popular and nowadays masquer-   pure enjoyment, whilst upholding
          In the end, the Catholics ended up   ade dancers even hold their own   their traditions somewhat.
          combining elements of the dance    competitions to find out which is
          with the Christian story, as they   the best dance group. This happens   That is the Gule Wamkulu dance for
          have done with many other religions   particularly to the west of Mashona-  you my treasured readers. Culture is
          across the world throughout history.   land in parts like Chinhoyi which is   put on a whole new level through
          The great mother was now called    also a farming/mining region, it’s a   these traditional practices which no-
          Maria (as you can see from the Zim-  common sight to see the masquer-  body can never take away from us.
          babwe dance I mentioned earlier)   ade dancers wearing their varied   It is an honor to be proudly African,
          and the white colonists were called   costumes and traveling in lorries,   through and through.
          St. Peter and so on. (cycloscope.  singing merrily on their way to
          net) The Nyau created and continue   the stadium to lock horns in their
          to create a diverse range of masks,   competitions. Mufakose, a suburb

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