Page 75 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 75

Innovata Africa

          everything. That’s why our central   In Europe, you had the post-paid   Bitcoin works on cheque, you get a
          banks are so worried. We should    system where you consume the       cheque and in turn you write a new
          not be frustrated that the Nigerian   communication service and at the   cheque based on that cheque. How
          central bank has just banned cryp-  end of the month, you get the bill   do you get the initial cheque? It is
          tocurrency transactions. It’s normal.   in your mailbox. That is the culture,   obtained by mining which is helping
          The central banks are caring for the   the culture of trust, the culture of   the blockchain to process cheques.
          stability of the country.          being together; this is the way they   The blockchain is a network of
                                             are because of their history. We in   people that are processing transac-
          We have to address those issues    Afrika, we don’t have that, that is   tions for everyone, and everyone
          that’s why I was telling you that Ne-  why, in 2000, mobile phones did not   who does that job gets paid and you
          bucoin considered all the stakehold-  take off in Afrika.             get paid in cheques and that is called
          ers that are involved in the business                                 mining. You are paid for that. We
          transaction that is the payer, the pay-  But, when MTN, an Afrikan com-  have in Nebucoin have separated
          ee, the bank – they are important,   pany, imagined a new way of billing   the mining of the coin from the
          even if you don’t like banks, they   customers, they called it pay as   mining of the block. This has a very
          have the experience. Bankers know   you go… MTN was the first in the   important impact on the consump-
          how to protect information that    world. They said, ‘No, you cannot   tion of energy. You cannot mine
          is not something that you can just   bring the same that we do in Europe   Nebucoin on PC, it is a mobile only
          learn in one day. That is knowledge   in Afrika, we have to design a differ-  cryptocurrency. Our software will
          that you can acquire over 50 years,   ent way of billing. We are going to   only mobile phones. We have made
          even hundreds of years. You can’t   call it pay as you go. You pay in ad-  it such that only mobile phones
          just throw that away. Bitcoin wants   vance and consume what you have   can mine new Nebucoin. It is the
          to eliminate banks and governments.   paid for.’ Suddenly, mobile phones   world’s first ecological cryptocur-
          We just came out of independence,   became an instant success. Now we   rency.
          most Afrikan countries don’t have   have mobile banking, mobile insur-
          50 years and Bitcoin now says they   ance. Everywhere in Afrika mobile   And you’re preparing to launch it
          don’t want governments. No. It is   phones are a total success because   when?
          important that Afrikan governments   one Afrikan company decided to
          become stronger, it is important that   adapt a technology to the context of   We are making everything possible
          we help them fight money launder-  Afrika.                            that Nebucoin will be launched
          ing. Everywhere in Afrika we have                                     around September this year.
          problems with corruption, embez-   That is why me and my team are
          zlement of government funds. Do    doing the same thing. We went from   Marcel is very interested in hear-
          you want a cryptocurrency where    the context, to the people, to the   ing back from you concerning
          people can just make transactions   solution and not the reverse.     the conversation around cryp-
          without any name, without any                                         tocurrency in Afrika, and spe-
          recording? That is not good for a   How exactly does Nebucoin         cifically around the Nebucoin.
          young country.                     work?                              If  you want to get in touch with
                                                                                him let us know and we will put
          That is why at Nebucoin we have    Nebucoin will use most of the      you in touch with him. He wants
          made a cryptocurrency where ev-    principles of Bitcoin, that is the   to open up this conversation to
          eryone who is making a transaction   Blockchain. Nebucoin has its own   Afrikans on the continent and in
          is identified by his or her phone   Blockchain. Also, it will use most of   the Diaspora.
          number. Why do we have Nebucoin    the way transactions are processed
          on mobile phones? Because mobile   into the Blockchain, for example    Click on the image below to watch the
          phones are one of the few things in   we also have blocks, blocks are   interview on our YouTube Channel
          Afrika that work so well. Also, they   mined into the Blockchain. The only
          are the place where we can learn   difference is we have separated the
          how adapting technology to a con-  mining of coins into the mining
          text works. If you remember when   of transactions. Mining is a kind
          mobile phones started in Europe, it   of proof that you have done some
          was not doing well in Afrika be-   work and therefore you deserve to
          cause they brought the same thing.   have a cheque. I told you earlier that

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