Page 76 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 76
Innovate Afrika
Innovate Afrika
We know that this is just one What is the Youth Leadership ership Parliament, Africa. Specifi-
of the many hats that you wear. Parliament? cally, at the moment, his focus is on
Please tell us about who you are Youth Leadership Parliament is Ghana but in the near future, having
and what it is that you do. an organization that was formed brought me on board as one of the
I’m a passionate person who be- in Ghana. The founder, Kobby strategic partners, we will have the
lieves in empowering youth across Fabian, an awesome gentleman, saw Malawi chapter, we will have the
Afrika. I’m a pan-Afrikanist, who is an opportunity to bring the youth Kenya, Angola and expand across
not focused only on the politics of together, put them in a setup that Afrika. Because we believe in allow-
this continent, but more importantly allows them to debate the issues that ing and giving the youth a platform
how we get the youth to be empow- affect them within the continent, where they can debate and discuss
ered, how we get them inspired, within the countries that they reside the issues that affect them. Not
how we get them innovative to turn and from that he has now built up necessarily from a political stand-
their continent around. a program called the Youth Lead- point, but also from an economic
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