Page 80 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 80


          And yet it seems that it is writers like   ample of this Karuri, who the Daily   changed between 2016 and 2018
          William and Joan who are somehow   Mail article describes as rolling up   and Kenya edged out the rest to rule
          managing to magically create the   ‘each day in a different luxury car’   this business.
          desire in the students to cheat their   and living in a luxury neighborhood,
          way through school as these writ-  if he was only worth US$6 million   In a 2019 article on, a stu-
          ers deceptively use the ‘reputable’   at the time, then we’re either missing   dent was asked why she paid for her
          websites to do so – even as they fail   another player in the game, or the   assignment to be done for her and
          to resist the allure of the Americans.   game is not being played where   she said, ““For me, it was just that the
          What a weird narrative.            these media houses and experts are   work was piling up,” she explains. “As
                                             claiming that it is. 115,000 per year   soon as I finish some big assignment, I get
          A 2019 article by the Daily Mail   worth of 10-page essays is worth   assigned more things, more homework for
          exposed one of the profiteers from   about US$ 57,500,000 at the $50   math, more homework for English. Some
          this industry, a Kenyan by the name   rate, making Karuri a very small   papers have to be six or 10 pages long. ...
          of James Karuri, who said he had   player indeed, considering that    And even though I do my best to manage,
          started his essay writing business   ‘Kenya rules the world in this type   the deadlines come closer and closer, and
          while still at the university and had   of work’. The Daily Mail added as   it’s just ... the pressure.”
          grown over time to a place where he   a factoid that “One firm offered to   “Technically, I don’t think it’s cheating,”
          was able to employ 15 administra-  create a 30,000-word PhD thesis for   the student says. “Because you’re paying
          tors and over 80 freelance writers.   £22,416. Almost all of these compa-  someone to write an essay, which they don’t
          At the time of their writing, Karuri   nies are based abroad, with many in   plagiarize, and they write everything on
          was said to have been 36 years old   Kenya but others in Eastern Europe   their own.”” Asked if she thought
          and worth US$ 6 million and to be   and India.” They didn’t mention   that she was plagiarizing, she said
          paying his writers about 50 US cents   which this ‘one firm’ was, where it   “That’s just a difficult question to an-
          per page for a job worth $50 per   was located, nor did they provide   swer,” she says. “I don’t know how to feel
          page. Karuri would have been doing   any information from this ‘one   about that. It’s kind of  like a gray area.
          this business for approximately 10   firm’ about how much they may be   It’s maybe on the edge, kind of?”
          years by the time of their article.   earning, paying or how many luxury   Besides she adds, she probably won’t
          10 years and not a billion dollars in   cars they may own. They did not   use all of it.”
          sight. For him to have made even   mention which these ‘many compa-
          US$ 1 million, he would have to    nies in Kenya’ which the ones that   A professor of ethics from the US
          have written, or had his team write,   were not abroad were or how much   that Debora Patta interviewed called
          over two thousand 10-page essays.   they were earning. They only served   Dr. David Rettinger, said, “We trust
          Using the number of people name    up Mr. Karuri and another Kenyan   that our doctor has actually been to
          in his team, that would be about 25   gentleman also mentioned in the   medical school. Cheating leads us
          essays per person. That figure does   article, a smaller player, for us to   to overall social corruption, because
          not include taxes, rent, utilities and   heap shame upon. Dr. Lancaster, in   it leads us to having a cadre of
          salaries paid to his team.         2018, in a separate paper on Kenya’s   professionals who can’t actually do
          The Daily Mail article stated that   ‘contract cheating ways’ had this to   the work that they claim they can
          there were 115,000 cheating Brit-  say: “My recent paper looking at the   do.” Meaning that there are a bunch
          ish students every year and that   ghost writers working internationally   of liars who are willing to cheat
          “Demand for essays is too huge for many   in the contract cheating industry   their way through school – including
          Kenyan businessmen to ignore. Latest   found that the majority of writers   those doing medical and engineering
          estimates suggest that 115,000 British   for contract cheating companies   degrees – some of whom are now
          students buy essays each year, with the true   were based in Kenya.” He didn’t say   working in sensitive positions that
          number believed to be far higher. ‘Every-  that the majority of contract cheat-  could lead to or cause the deaths of
          thing to do with cheating is more wide-  ing companies were based in Kenya,   possibly thousands or more due to
          spread than we know,’ said Dr Thomas   he said that the writers were. He   their actual lack of skills and qualifi-
          Lancaster, a computer scientist and   also said in a 2016 paper published   cations. And for the real graduates,
          expert in contract cheating. ‘From   on, that you can link   those like William or Joan or Mary
          my research, Kenya rules the world in this   to from the 2018 paper, that he had   Mbugua (the latter was interviewed
          type of  work.’” Everyone seems to be   found that Indians were the high-  in 2019 by the New York Times)
          gunning for Kenya, but the numbers   est bidders for work, followed by   they are keenly aware that the edu-
          are just not adding up. Take the ex-  Kenya and Morocco. Perhaps things   cation system in the US, the UK and

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