Page 85 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 85
tion to the issues on earth? Think
about it for a second. Meaning that
the pursuing of your vision, even
though it’s tough right now, may just
be the only way out for the nearest
future. I definitely may not know
how things are with you specifically,
as it concerns the pursuit of your
vision in relation to the issues going
on globally, but I really don’t think
we are so far apart as to the difficul-
ty there is in bringing our visions to
But here is the thing, do not give up
on your vision, for in this very sea-
on the inside, which is not tangible these wicked machinations of men, son, where it looks like all things are
for others to see, but which they are but even the future is already under going haywire, is when that vision is
ready to give all for. lock and the slightest hope for a needed and thus, will manifest. But
new day seems far removed. South not so that you can feel good that
Holding on to a vision in a Afrika is under siege because of you finally achieved your vision, but
broken world many issues, and mostly the pres- so that those who need solutions in
Our world is becoming more bro- sures of life that have been building these trying times, will find them.
ken, complex and difficult to live in. for centuries, but which accurate
And it’s, to say the least, becoming measures had not been put in place Finally
even more difficult to hold on to a to ease the tensions the issues cause. Vision and the carrying of vision
vision, especially when it’s becoming Nigeria is in some of pressure cook-
even more difficult to see or know er, either because creators of violent did not start with any one of us
what the next day holds. insurgencies are doing a “very as humans. It all began with God
good job” in wreaking havoc in the the Creator, who had a vision of
The global community is dealing Northern part of the country, or the an earth which is an extension of
with the fallout from the wicked thought of secession in the east that heaven, and then a family of hu-
pandemic (a false pandemic that is brewing. The global space is in mans to dwell in, tend and keep
was meticulously planned, executed turmoil because a few people think the earth. God is the first vision
and imposed on the world) and the they can suddenly become gods over carrier and, you as a person, are
many pains it brought with it; the others, and it seems like there is no the vision and the picture of the
increase in the price of food, short- end to all the pain and confusion at future God saw when He said
ages of fuel, increase in tuition fees, hand. Yet, there is hope. “Let us make man in our image
rise in price of groceries, travel etc.
Cost of living is rising by the min- Now, I am not just here to write to and in our likeness”. And that
ute, without any kind of matched nations of the world, but to person- you are here right now simply
increase in solutions and it’s begin- ally say to you that is reading this means that God saw you and
ning to take its toll on the minds article, that all will be well. I am here pursued you till you became the
and the attitudes of people towards to say to you dear vision carrier that actualization of His vision. And
their visions. you must not let go of your vision because you are a co-creator with
The global powers say, ‘Take vaccine no matter what comes your way. God, you also have a vision from
so has to prevent the spread of God, which will come to pass if
Covid-19’, but right within that To you vision carrier you do not give up.
statement is the very truth that they Life on earth is becoming harder to
knew from the beginning, that the understand or even live, and paying
vaccines themselves are worse than attention to your vision may be the So, dear vision carrier, do not
the disease they say they want to least of your concerns right now, sleep on your vision, but do all to
prevent. Many lives and families but the truth is this, what if the vi- pursue it, till it becomes a reality
have not only been devastated by sion you were given is the very solu- that will bless humanity on earth.