Page 88 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 88


                                   Note from an Afrikan in the



                         THE GLOBAL TYRANNY AROUND THEM

                       hat can one say....   tainly need to think again.        TRANSHUMANISM) and they
                       LISTEN to the         For the rest, this is NOT the time   are doing it through bio-ethics (or
                       scientist of Pfizer in   to lack wisdom, they have openly   internal bio-warfare in this case
          Wthe attached vid-                 TOLD you (REPEATEDLY IN            as they have all your supposed
          eo clip and the snakes behind the   VARIOUS WAYS FOR THAT             “elites” compromised) ...Simply read
          scientific arm of the plandemic for   MATTER) what they intend on     Schwab’s books, he exposes much to
          YOURSELF..>GO AHEAD LIS-           doing to YOU. The real “technical   you directly.
          TEN TO EVERY WORD CARE-            experiment” is just about to begin.
          FULLY!!                            If you do not understand, let me try   If you think that just because you
                                             to technically inform you that what   are located in a remote village in a
          In only TWO MINUTES THEY           this person in the video is telling   third world country that, as such,
          TELL YOU WHAT THEY HAVE            you they have DONE TO YOU so       you can bury your head in the sand,
          DONE AND WHAT THEY                 far (those who have succumbed and   unconcerned, you are NOT ex-
          INTEND TO DO TO YOU.               fallen prey) is ONLY one part of   empt (remember how FAR slavery
          THEY HAVE NO SHAME OR              the story as it is deeper than most   penetrated and they did not have
          REMORSE!                           dwarf brains can fathom!           the speed and capabilities of high
          If there are still any out there that   Technically, they are moving to a   tech like they have now then) as they
          call this a conspiracy, then you cer-  digitized human (what they call   will reach that far....your ignorance

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