Page 91 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 91


                                             government outsources its respon-  source by seeking funding from
                                             sibilities.                        private organisations and high net
                                                                                worth philanthropists who are pas-
                                             Foreign aid in itself is not a source   sionate and committed to achieving
                                             of economic growth. There is an    the UN’s SDGs.
                                             opportunity for policy makers in the
                                             continent to renegotiate their rela-  Redefining the continent’s
                                             tionships with western countries.   relationship with the rest of  the
                                             Trade is one area that remains an
                                             uneven playing field in the conti-  The reduction in foreign aid is indic-
             Natasha Fuyane is a writer      nent. More equitable trade deals   ative of a shift by western countries
            and podcaster. Natasha pro-      would not only offset any effects of   to pivoting to focusing on domestic
            vides social & political com-    reduced foreign aid, but would es-  issues. This shift to a more national-
                                             tablish lines for sustainable econom-
                                                                                istic, domestic focus for most coun-
             mentary on African issues.      ic contributions to the country.   tries cuts across a number of areas
                Natasha is on twitter                                           and means that there’s an opportu-
                   @malaikadiva              Foreign aid or equitable           nity for the continent to reevaluate
                                             reparations?                       and redefine its relationship with the
          at 0.53% of its national income.   Is this really aid? There is an oppor-  rest of the world.
                                             tunity to reevaluate and redefine this
          So, what will be the real impact of   transfer of resources from western   Editor’s Note:
          the reduction in foreign aid transfers   countries to the continent. The his-  I see opportunity in foreign aid re-
          by some countries? It is a complex   tory of colonialism has meant that   duction for Afrika. Not opportunity
          picture and the real impacts of this   resources and assets were pillaged   to go and negotiate more favorable
          will be realized over a few years   from the continent to the benefit of   terms for your country - as though
          – this poses more questions than   western countries. The pillaging did   living on handouts is a favorable or
          answers. Although the picture is a   not end when countries got their   dignified way to go. No.
          rapidly evolving one, it is helpful to   independence, in some instances it   I see opportunity for escape. Not by
          explore some of these questions.   was systemic and it remains till this   overtaxing Afrika’s population into
          The below may be a helpful guide   day.                               poverty. No.
          for policy makers in the continent,                                   Opportunity for escape from a
          civil society organizations and social   Positioning this as aid instead of   culture that has bedeviled the conti-
          change movers.                     reparations (or similar) allows for   nent since independence, relegating
                                             western countries to opt out as and   her leaders to the role of beggars
          Robust, competent governance       when.                              and her citizens to whatever label
          It goes without saying that for many                                  is placed on them by the so-called
          nations across the continent, there is   Sustainable Development Goals  ‘benefactors’.
          a gap in robust, competent lead-   The reduction of aid funding       Opportunity for re-definition for
          ership and governance structures.   may have a great impact on the    Afrika by a whole new standard, at a
          Robust, competent governance will   achievement of the United Nations’   whole new level and in a whole new
          impact the efficient allocation of   Sustainable Development Goals    dimension - as the continent that
          resources. Elected governments     (SDGs). The SDGs are a set of life   sees itself as worthy and capable of
          have the mandate to ensure that    changing commitments which are     living life in a way that his honorable
          public goods are delivered efficiently   meant to be achieved by 2030. One   to God, and treats its people with
          and equitably to their citizens. Public   of the key SDGs is poverty reduc-  dignity. Demonstrating belief in its
          goods such as health and infrastruc-  tion by 2030.                   people to be able to rise up above
          ture, in an ideal environment, should                                 age-old stereotypes and to create the
          be the sole responsibility of gov-  Although aid reduction from gov-  kind of reality that this continent
          ernments. Foreign aid means that   ernments will impact the achieve-  needs more than ever. Of freedom!
          public goods are in some instances   ment of this, there is an opportunity
          managed through non-governmental   for civil society organisations to
          organizations, which means that the   continue broadening their revenue

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 14 | AUGUST 2021       91
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