Page 89 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 89


          blinds you from understanding
          how far-reaching these sick scien-
          tists have gone over the decades.
          They have long since set up labs in   If anything, wrap your head around understand-
          outback remote jungle locations as    ing this little that these are NOT doctors,
          could easily be seen if you pay atten-
          tion while traveling around Africa.  they are “Scientists” pursuing what their delud-
          Even high on the mountaintops in     ed minds consider to be the gold standard of
          places like Kenya (way back in the   science...(creating the unthinkable as they now
          late 80s) you could notice strange
          buildings, that despite being distant   internally have amputated their own minds to
          from civilization, had electricity in              believe THEY are GOD) .
          locations where every other living
          soul only had a bush fire. These
          were not tourists, but labs with their   standard of science...(creating the   far-reaching that even the once
          scientists (pretending to be doing   unthinkable as they now internally   South African comedian by name
          “Stuff” none of the natives could   have amputated their own minds to   Trevor Noah  has been totally cor-
          explain). Long established...they   believe THEY are GOD) .           rupted, selling his soul and shame-
          have been working on this scam-                                       lessly trying to help devil Gates fake
          demic for decades, because if there’s   Yes! far too many doctors got   innocence to the public, when for
          one thing European descendants of   corrupted over the decades (be-   years devil Gates, in his own words,
          evil are good at, it is planning EVIL.  ing part of a big-pharma chain   on TEDX told the world REPEAT-
                                             eco-system) and allowed greed for   EDLY that he would use Vaccines
          Yes! I hear you interventionists   materialism and empire-building to   to depopulate the world. Sad! One
          screaming! Not every so-called self-   take over their puny minds. Now,   wonders how these scumbags sleep
          labeled “white” person is EVIL,    they are stuck between a brick wall   at night...but, anyway, that is another
          but, sadly, there are far too many of   and a hard place and can’t even   story for another day.
          them that are pure evil and many   uphold dignity and tell any form of
          are in white lab coats daily (being   TRUTH, let alone go against the   That said, if anyone is about to have
          compartmentalized from reality in   tyranny. But those who corrupted   a child, you had better get prudent
          their research so they care not for   the doctors via the system of the so-  (start Thinking-Outside-The-Box)
          humanity). Meanwhile, their eugeni-  called technocrats and scientists are   and preventive and have that child at
          cist technocracy partners are masters   pure EVIL themselves, far beyond   HOME (yes! employ the services of
          of coercing others to collude with   what the mind of many among the   a mid-wife, because if you go to one
          them and to make matters worse,    masses can it is   of their hospitals, you can never tell
          their depth of evil goes far beyond   best everyone wake up from their   if it has not been compromised, so
          color as they (as they have shown   slumber because these fools MEAN   best be safe than sorry, as your child
          and documented themselves in their   BUSINESS!                        never asked you to bring it into this
          own history...take off your tinted                                    world, so you owe that child a life
          glasses and read their HIS-TORY it   Just like the Bushes in the 80/90’s   free from tyranny and enslavement).
          is all there to see from the days of   that were mass murderers and
          SERFDOM) are more than pre-        terrorists (like sista souljah once had   May Inner Peace Be With All and
          pared to neutralize their own kind,   the courage to tell the world) the   I sincerely  Hope you make it
          let alone others. In fact, in their   likes of Gates, Soros and the many   Through!
          high-level writings, they refer to   hidden hands lurking in the domains   Stay Strong and never compromise
          their OWN KIND as “USELESS         of DARPA and in high ELITIST       your integrity or it is not
          EATERS/PLEBES and CANNON           places, they too are PURE EVIL,    worth it...thus always be that that
          FODDER” etc.                       as they have corrupted, in various   you are...YOU!
          If anything, wrap your head around   ways, ALL the people (go watch
          understanding this little: that these   EVENT 201 that was the beta run)    Idris
          are NOT doctors, they are “Scien-  they felt could influence the masses.
          tists” pursuing what their deluded
          minds consider to be the gold      The corruption was so bad and

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 14 | AUGUST 2021       89
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