Page 84 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 84


                      BE ENCOURAGED

                               STAY TRUE TO YOUR VISION

                                                Samuel Phillips

                     n the particular day that   re-shared on 10th of July 2021 by   ment for me.
                     I wrote this article, I   Facebook. How accurate the timing
                     had woken up around     was for me to get the notification of   I do not believe the coming of this
         Omy usual time of 5am,              a missed memory, which speaks of   word about vision and power is just
          with a word in my heart which said:   vision on the same morning that I   for me alone, even though it is spe-
          “Stay true to your vision.” I wrote   woke up with a word about vision.   cifically a reminder for me to hold
          down a few more things that came                                      the vision. I believe it is also some-
          after that first statement, even as I   The very next morning, at around   thing I must share to encourage you
          pondered over the word on vision.   the same time, I woke up with     that is reading not to let go of your
                                             another word which says “Power is   vision.
          At about 9am that same morning,    the concentration of  energy”.
          I was notified of my Facebook                                         What is a vision?
          memory post. So I looked at it and   I remember spending quite some   I will say that “Vision is purpose
          behold it said, “Don’t let go of  your   time trying to figure out, in my   and destiny, which one has in sight
          vision”. “Wow!!! This cannot be a co-  meditation, why the two words   internally, even when it is not yet
          incident I said to myself.” To make   came to me in similar manner and   materialized. It’s like when scripture
          it a more serious reminder to keep   successively. It made sense after a   talks about faith as the evidence of
          the vision going, when I looked at   while that, when God gives us a   things not yet seen, but received,
          the post on Facebook, it was a pod-  vision, even though it takes a while,   because God said it is given. I hope
          cast (Daily Musings) link that I had   an alignment with that vision creates   this makes sense. Meaning that
          shared on the 10th of July 2020 on   the right power and concentration   carriers of vision are almost all the
          my wall. Meaning that I had actually   of energy to bring it to pass. It was   time the people least understood by
          missed the memory when it was      definitely two days of encourage-  others because of what they carry

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